
Spring ’22 – Portfolios

Artist’s Portfolio Websites
School of Art, Long Beach State University, Spring 2022

Adilene Luna

Anna Sams

Ashley Loera

Brandon McNeese

Chais Pascua

Charity Long

Contemporary Figurative Artist

The difficult experiences of my youth inform my work. My paintings explore my fear surrounding my body, my identity, and a lack of ownership over myself.

Despite my past, I am grown now. I am my own person. I choose to remember and imagine better ideas and outcomes for myself. My art practice is where I express those visualizations and an ownership of identity.

Clarissa Marie Cosico

Edwin Torres-Miranda

Geraldini Astudillo Jimenez

Jessica Duralia

John Ringwald

Karla Nieves-Ibarra

Kimberly Magana

Lilliana Aguilar

Matthew Lujan

Maxine Beasley

Michael Sparkes

Miguel Jimenez

Nikkilet Gomez

Tiffany Guevara

Tk Fox

Victor Hugo Huitron

William Tea

Yadira Agredano

Yessenia Villasano

Ziyu Zhang

Glenn Zucman, Instructor

Glenn Zucman
Glenn Zucman, photo by Tamara Williams

Sharing our Stories
My favorite part of the LBSU School of Art is visiting our Art Gallery Courtyard each week. Every week 5 more student artists share their unique lives, experiences, and aesthetics with the campus community.

My one disappointment is that so many of these engaging artists don’t have Portfolio Websites. I’m fortunate this semester to be teaching Art 490, Artists’ Portfolio Websites. If the students have learned half as much as I have this semester, then they have learned a lot.

A portfolio is a never-ending part of an artist’s life journey. I feel privileged to have helped these students launch web portfolios. I am excited to see where the paths of their careers take them in the years and decades to come.

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