Make New Work
This class is mostly about Career, Professional & Business Practices. Networking, Portfolios, Websites, and all the things you may not have spent too much time on in past art classes.
In addition to all that, it’s essential that you make new work.
Table of Contents
Career Goal
You’ve selected a Career Goal and 3 categories within that goal, like
- Storyboards
- Backgrounds
- Character Designs
Graphic Design
- Branding
- Packaging
- Typography
Gallery Artist
- Painting
- Drawing
- Printmaking
- Children’s Books
- Posters
- Cartoons
- Portrait
- Fashion
- Editorial
- Documentary
- Photojournalism
- Experimental
Performance Artist
- Choreography
- Collaboration
- Site-Specific Works
Art Director
- Film & Television
- Music Videos
- Commercials
and so on for any Art Career you want to pursue.

Art School Assignments
Many students have spent time in Art School doing class assignments. You’ve taken many classes and tried many things. Now that you’re focusing on a specific Art Career, you might find that the various class assignments you’ve done don’t necessarily fit in your 3 Categories. This is common.
Or perhaps some of it fits, but there are also holes in your portfolio. For Example:
Animation – pieces I currently have:
- Storyboards – 6 pieces
- Backgrounds – 3 pieces
- Character Designs – 0 pieces
In this example, you’d want to focus on creating Character Designs and a few Backgrounds to fill out your portfolio. You’re OK with Storyboards for now.

New Work For Your Portfolio!
If, as in the example above, your Career Goal is Animation and your 3 Portfolio Categories are Storyboards, Backgrounds, and Character Designs, then that is what your “Make New Work” for Art 490 should focus on.
If you’re also taking a Metals Class and a Printmaking class, that’s great. But that work does not count for your portfolio. Please do not submit your latest piece of metalwork or your new serigraph. Not because this work isn’t good, but because it doesn’t help build your portfolio and launch your career.
In this example, your New Work each week should be Character Designs, Backgrounds, or Storyboards, since that is the work you need to build your portfolio and launch your career.
If you have a different Career Goal & 3 Categories, then those would be the New Work that You would make for Your Portfolio.
6 Pieces per Category
It’s great if you can get to 6 pieces to show for each of your 3 categories. You might have 6-6-6 now. You might have 0-0-0. Or 6-3-0.
- 6-6-6 – If you’ve already got everything covered, awesome! (not many peeps in the class do!) Then look at which Category you think you can improve on the most and create new work there.
- 0-0-0 – if you don’t have anything ATM – don’t panic – this is common!
- You also might have more than you think if you look through everything you’ve ever done. Remember those Wedding Invitations you designed for your cousin for free? You don’t have to say “cousin” and you don’t have to say “free”. All you have to say is, “The client wanted a baseball themed wedding invitation so I created X, Y, Z.” And then put that in your Graphic Design portfolio.
- Do not, however, count “work in my parent’s attic”. Stuff you have to wait a month to get is a distraction that just slows you down. Don’t go there! It’s probably not as good as you think. And now that you’re a better and more mature artist, you can probably create better work in not much time. Only include work you can get your hands on today.
- 6-3-0 – is a nice place to be. Spend the first month or so working on Category 3. Later you can add to Category 2. Category 1 is fine for now.

Detailed Captions
Seeing your work is job one of your portfolio.
Understanding what I’m looking at and how you got there is equally important.
Commercial Portfolio Captions
If all you give me is a poster, label, package, or other graphic, you aren’t giving me much. All I really know is that you can set type on a curve in Illustrator. All I know is that you have Talented Graphic Design Hands. But what I need is a Talented Graphic Design Mind. For that, you have to explain your process to me. How did you arrive at this finished piece?
- Who is your Client?
- Who is your Client’s Audience?
- What is your Client’s Communication Goal?
- What Research did you do?
- What choices did you make, based on your research, that empower your client to achieve their goals: fill stadiums, sell widgets, and so on?
Explain your choices in the context of Audience and Goals.
- Not: I chose this font because it’s the newest and awesomest font from Adobe!
- Instead, I chose this font because the large x-height is more legible for my client’s senior citizen audience or because the small x-height is more sophisticated for my client’s cosmopolitan audience. I chose serif, sans serif, slab, bold, or cursive because they have XYZ communication power with my client’s audience.
- The same goes for your other choices: Color Pallet, Graphic Elements, etc.
- Nothing is “because it’s cool, and I’ve always wanted to try it.”
- Everything is in service of helping my client connect to their audience and achieve their goals.
- Nobody hires us for sexy fonts. They hire us for our ability to achieve communication goals.
- Present your work in the context of how it achieves your client’s goals.
The above example features Graphic Design. The same concepts apply to all commercial art. Animation, Illustration, Photography, User Interface Design, Motion Graphics, Textile Design, Game Design, and so on.
Gallery Artist Portfolio Captions
As Gallery Artists, we have a bit more leeway than Commercial Artists. Sometimes (perhaps too often), we choose to be less definitive and allow viewers to draw their own conclusions about the work.
There’s no harm in helping your viewer understand the context of your work. If my work explores Identity, Mental Illness, Social Justice, or any other topic, describing my investigation helps a curator, collector, or other viewer access my work.
While we’re not as direct and hard sell as Commercial Artists, the same overarching idea remains: a curator might be drawn to the product of our “talented hands,” but they’re ultimately interested in our “art & culture mind.”
- Every other week this semester make a new piece of work that fits one of your Career Categories
- Be realistic, you can’t do an animated feature film every week. But you can do a small piece every week. A character sheet. Or a 15-second animated film.
- It’s going to take work to meet people and to get people to look at your portfolio. Let’s make sure you have the best you possible represented in that portfolio.
- Post your work on Canvas
URL on Canvas
- If you haven’t made them yet, make your three category pages on your Portfolio Website.
- Add your New Work to the relevant page.
- Write an informative caption for it.
- Paste the URL for that page in the URL box on Canvas.

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