Syllabus for Art 490, Special Topics in Studio Art: Artist’s Portfolio Websites. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Syllabus for Art 490, Special Topics in Studio Art: Artist’s Portfolio Websites. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Schedule a meetup to discuss your Artist’s Portfolio Website. Show your stuff, rock the world! 🙂
Final Critique for Art 490, Artist’s Websites, Spring Semester 2021, School of Art, Long Beach State University.
Critique Schedule for Artist’s Websites, Art 490, Long Beach State University, Spring 2021. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Launch page of Artist’s Websites, Spring 2021, School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Art 490, Artist’s Websites. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Syllabus for Art 490, Special Topics in Studio Art: Artist’s Websites. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Critique Schedule for Art 490: Artist’s Websites, School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System, Fall Term 2020. Instructor: Glenn Zucman, TA: Bobi Bosson.
Syllabus for Art 490, Special Topics in Studio Art: Artists’ Websites. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Index of Artist’s Websites, Fall 2020, School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University, California State University System. Art 490, Artist’s Websites. Instructor: Glenn Zucman. Graduate Assistant: Virginia Castaneda.