WordPress Link Targets
A Link Target (a link) can either open in the Same Tab or in a New Tab.
If you’re a hacker, you wouldn’t make the choice for your users/hacker friends to force Open in New Tab. You’d make a regular link and your smart visitors could either Left-click links to open in the same tab or Right-click links to open them in new tabs. Choice for users, yay!
Many of us are not hackers, and our site visitors might not know or think about wanting a new tab or not. Web surfing can be very stream of consciousness and we often don’t remember where we’ve been. If someone is looking at your artists’ website and follows a link to your Instagram, or one of your Illustrator friends, or to a Client website, they might never come back to your site. By setting your Link Target to New Tab, it means that after some surfing, they’ll still have the option to come back and think about your work some more. It’s a small point, but it could help get you shown in a gallery or hired on a project.
Here’s how you set the Link Target in WordPress.