Author: Glenn Zucman

BA, Psychology, University of Hawaii, MFA, Intermedia Art, Long Beach State. Host of American Public Media's "Border Patrol." Host of KBeach Radio's "Strange Angels." Interested in Identity Art that explores our Oracle-at-Delphi-like straddling of corporeal and virtual realms in our new media century. Civil rights in online space. 10 years of radio conversations with art & culture creators.

Copyright, Creative Commons & Licensing Your Work

As artists you might like to make your work Copyright All rights reserved. You can set this on the About Page of your site, in your Site Footer, and also on individual works. There are also other forms of copyright that you may have some interest in, like Creative Commons.


Let’s talk about pixels

How many pixels do you need? To display on a phone? Tablet? Laptop? Desktop? Projector? What if you want to print an ink-on-paper poster of a photo of your work? Is 600 pixels enough? If you use a huge image will your site load slow? How many pixels do you need!?!?

Social Media

Instagram, Harassment & Publicity in a Messy World

I believe that most people are better served by being more public. But I also know that The Internet can be an ugly place. Especially if you happen to be female. Everyone will find their own, best solution, but let’s look at ways you can avoid as much harassment as possible, while still leveraging the power of cyberspace to share your work as effectively as possible.

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