Sp22 – Critique Week
Table of Contents
Big Finish
After a semester of thinking about your career and assembling your portfolio, let’s see what your classmates have been up to and offer some feedback.
Ways to Improve
We all love a pat on the back and being told that someone likes our work. So, feel free to be nice to each other! 😀
However, the most helpful feedback is ways to improve your portfolio. Flagging things that are unclear. Ideas that could be stronger. Navigation that could be easier.
Portfolio Groups
I’ve split the class up into 5 Portfolio Groups. For each of the other people in your group:
- Look over their portfolio
- List 3 things that are really working on the website
- List 3 suggestions to make the portfolio stronger, clearer, or more compelling
Use each classmate’s Contact Page to provide your feedback. You can email them, or write your comments in their Contact Form. Include your email in case your classmate would like to chat about ideas with you.
Hopefully, you already connected to these classmates during Social Media Week. If you didn’t, here’s a second chance to do so. I can’t stress enough how important it is to build your career network. Try to at least connect to everyone on Instagram & LinkedIn. And don’t forget to network in the Physical World too! Go to Art Galleries, Animation Festivals, Computer Graphics Conferences, Graphic Design Workshops. Find ways to build connections!
Touch Base w Glenn
When you’ve sent feedback to all the classmates in your portfolio group, send me an email saying “I’ve provided feedback to all the classmates in my group”: glenn.zucman@csulb.edu

Your Group
- Anna Sams – https://mikistarlight12.wixsite.com/annasamsart
- Chais Pascua – https://chais-615.wixsite.com/my-site
- Maxine Beasley – https://maxinebeasley2.wixsite.com/website-1
- Victor Hugo Huitron – https://sites.google.com/view/victorhugoghuitron/home
- Brandon McNeese – https://mcneeseart.wixsite.com/mcneeseart
- Michael Sparkes – https://mikesparkes11.wixsite.com/doink-arts
- Miguel Jimenez – https://mangel1992j.wixsite.com/website
- Nikkilet Gomez – https://nikkiletgomez.squarespace.com/
- Tiffany Guevara – https://tiffym103.wixsite.com/porfolio
Graphic Design & UI/UX
- Adilene Luna – https://adilenelunagraphicdesign.portfolio.site/
- Clarissa Marie Cosico – https://clarissamariecos.myportfolio.com/
- Edwin Torres-Miranda – https://edwintorresdesigns.wixsite.com/my-site
- Jessica Duralia – https://jessicaduralia.wixsite.com/portfolio
- John Ringwald – https://johnincblog.wordpress.com/portfolio-2/
- Lilliana Aguilar – https://lpaguilar2001.wixsite.com/graphicdesign
Fine Art
- Charity Long – https://charitytlong.wixsite.com/charity
- Kimberly Magana – https://www.kimberlyann.art/
- Tk Fox – https://glitterfox555.wixsite.com/website
- Yessenia Villasano – https://yennyvillasano.wixsite.com/my-site
- Ziyu Zhang – https://zhangziyu.xyz/
Art Ed, Counseling & Photography
- Ashley Loera – https://www.ashleyloera.art/
- Geraldini Astudillo Jimenez – https://geeeeeeraffe.wixsite.com/littleartsygiraffe
- Karla Nieves-Ibarra – https://vanessanieveskvni.wixsite.com/photxk
- Matthew Lujan – https://mattolujan.wixsite.com/professional/blank
- Yadira Agredano – https://yadiraagredano.wordpress.com/
- William Tea – https://wteaphotography.myportfolio.com/
No Website?
I couldn’t find a website for you. Please email me immediately with your URL: glenn.zucman@csulb.edu
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