Syllabus for CSULB School of Art, Art 490, Special Topics in Studio Art: ePortfolios for Artists, Spring Semester 2018, Instructor: Glenn Zucman. Teaching Assistant: Julie Pavlacka. Graduate Assistant: Andrea Guerrero.
When thinking about your portfolio online, you should look at all kinds of websites. And think about your own work. Your aesthetic. And you should also look at a few artist’s websites. Here are some samples.
Portfolio websites for Art 490 students. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University. TOC Monday Adam Levinstein Christian Chias Daniel Cox
List of Websites for Art 490 ePortfolios for Artists. Fall 2017. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University.
Syllabus for Art 490: ePortfolios for Artists. Fall semester 2017. School of Art, College of the Arts, Long Beach State University. Instructor: Glenn Zucman. Teaching Assistant: Julie Pavlacka.
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