“WordPress for Artists”, my talk proposal for WordCamp Los Angeles (WCLAX) 2018
Read-Write Dog Culture
Long before humanity’s Electronic Internet, the “Urinternet” has been dog’s form of social production. It’s not just pee, it’s a blog comment!
Websites are Paintings
Code is Poetry. Websites are Paintings. I love Websites, so let’s fork the WordPress footer to advance the art of cyberspace!
Blab is so August!
Blab is the king of Interviews, Conversations & Group Discussion. Periscope’s the queen of Lifecasting, Travelogues & Tutorials.
Sustainable WordPress
WordPress the platform is solid and sustainable. But what about your WordPress blog? Will it still be there if you stop looking?
Amanda Oleander
Periscope star and early adopter Amanda Oleander threw a party in Santa Monica tonight. The room was filled with seasoned Periscopers and curious newcomers. This was definitely a party where no one had to apologize for using their phone!