Blab is so August!

screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar

Periscope was so July!

Periscope was so July! Wake up and smell the August! Welcome to Blab!

screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
Step1: Watch somebody else’s Blab
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
Step 2: Take a seat in someone’s Blab. (normally the Host is in the upper left square, but in this case, our host @tom_ashton96 is in the lower right because he left the room and came back)
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
Step 3: Start your own Blab. It’s a little lonely at first. You can bring a friend, or just wait for someone to driveby.
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
Eventually someone, like the awesome @Kawanzaa_ will wander by. Once you have 2 peeps in your Blab, Blab will tweet your link and a few more will come check it out.
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
And all of a sudden your Blab is full of blabbers!
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
Blab CTO @FurqanR dropped by, and @csakamoto was gracious enough to “jump out” so Furquan could chat with us for a while.
screencap of Blab streaming video app. Shows 4 video frames with chat on sidebar
I didn’t see this one myself, but here from @brittanymetz‘ email “Daily Digest” is a Blab Yoga Class
Screen cap of Periscope video app showing Jessica Pike, aka @PikeyTime holding up a headshot that she's autographed and added lipstick kiss prints to
Meanwhile poor @PikeyTime is still on Periscope, like nobody told her it isn’t even July anymore. Sending out her old headshots via last month’s streaming mobile video darling. Really sad.

Streaming Video Co-existence

Kidding aside, Blab and Periscope both rock. It’s funny that so many peeps on Blab seem to say “and it’s so much better than Periscope!” To me these platforms have entirely different use cases:

  • Blab – great for Interviews, Conversations, Group Discussions
  • Periscope – great for Lifecasting, Travelogues, Tutorials

The conversations that are hard to have on Periscope are easy to have on Blab. But “Blabbers” seem to all fall into that old Google Hangouts on the couch in my office mode, whereas Periscopers go into the field with tremendous live power. When lifecaster @BreeOlson walks around her living room, even without ever leaving the house you still get a powerful sense of place, of being there. When @PikeyTime puts her phone in her purse and performs “Bad Extra”, walking across the beach talking to us as she does extra work for some Hollywood production, it’s a remarkable location-based experience. When Maggie Mulhern of @ModernSalon drags us from New York to London to California in just a handful of days we get to meet amazing stylists at fantastic locations and see their latest innovations. When @RoyYu2403 takes us through the streets of Hong Kong, or @DaveInOsaka takes us through Japan, it’s a powerful travel experience.

Periscope’s nearing half a year old. Blab is nearing 3 weeks. So it’s pretty reasonable that most of the Blabs I’ve seen so far are mostly about how does Blab work and what can I do with it. I imagine the depth of content will grow over time.

In My Classroom

Fall semester at Long Beach State starts 2 weeks from today and I’m planning to Periscope every class this term! We’ll see how that goes! 😀 I haven’t thought of an activity for Blab just yet, but there is “The Mina Show”. Students might be able to use Blab or Periscope for some interesting projects there.

The Android Store says that Periscope’s been downloaded 1 million times, and Meerkat 100 thousand times. Blab is currently only on iOS and Web. But Blab runs nicely in Chrome on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S, which is where the screencaps above are from.

What’s your favorite video streaming app this week?

Screencap of Periscope showing Jessica Pike looking at her phone in her purse
@PikeyTime performing “Bad Extra” and broadcasting live on Periscope from the set of we-don’t-know-what-production at a beach somewhere in SoCal