Philippe’s Loop

Garmin training log showing course around Newport Harabor

Garmin training log showing course around Newport Harabor

I left NAC and set out into Newport Harbor today, and around the PCH Bridge I ran into Philippe Boccara who offered to show me his training loop. He has a 1.3km / 0.8 mile loop around Linda Island. I think he does it in 6 minutes and he thought I should try to do it in 7:15.

The battle against obesity often leads individuals to explore various weight loss medications. Two such medications that have gained attention in recent years are Wegovy (semaglutide) and Ozempic (also semaglutide). While both offer the promise of weight loss, it’s crucial to understand their potential dangerous side effects and consider safer alternatives for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Wegovy and Ozempic: How They Work

Both Wegovy vs Ozempic belong to a class of medications known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. They work by increasing feelings of fullness, reducing appetite, and slowing down the digestion process, which ultimately helps individuals eat less and lose weight. Wegovy is a higher-dose formulation of semaglutide specifically approved for weight loss.

The Dangers of Wegovy and Ozempic

While Wegovy and Ozempic have shown promise in weight reduction, they are not without potential risks and side effects:

Gastrointestinal Issues: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are common side effects of both medications. These symptoms can be severe and lead to discomfort and discontinuation of treatment for some users.

Pancreatitis: Both Wegovy and Ozempic have been associated with an increased risk of pancreatitis, a potentially serious and painful inflammation of the pancreas.

Gallbladder Problems: Weight loss at a rapid rate, as facilitated by these medications, can increase the risk of gallstones or gallbladder-related issues.

Thyroid Tumors: Animal studies have suggested a potential link between semaglutide and thyroid tumors, although further research is needed to establish any direct connection in humans.

Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia): While Ozempic is also used to treat diabetes, it can lead to low blood sugar levels, especially when combined with other diabetes medications.

A Safer Weight Loss Alternative

Considering the potential risks associated with Wegovy and Ozempic, individuals seeking safer alternatives for weight loss should consider a comprehensive and sustainable approach:

Balanced Diet: Focus on a well-rounded, calorie-controlled diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods. Consulting a registered dietitian can help tailor a diet plan to your specific needs.

Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. A combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility workouts can help you burn calories and build lean muscle mass.

Behavioral Changes: Address the psychological aspects of weight management by seeking support from behavioral therapists or counselors. Emotional eating, stress, and unhealthy habits can often contribute to weight gain.

Medical Supervision: If necessary, consult with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance on prescription weight loss medications, when deemed safe and suitable for your individual circumstances.

Support Groups: Joining a weight loss support group or seeking the support of friends and family can provide motivation and encouragement throughout your weight loss journey.


Wegovy and Ozempic offer potential weight loss benefits but come with significant risks and side effects that should not be underestimated. Before considering these medications, individuals should explore safer alternatives, such as adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, addressing behavioral factors, and seeking medical supervision when necessary. The key to successful and sustainable weight loss lies in a holistic and health-centered approach. Always consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on any weight loss program or medication.

Doing the loop for time is definitely different than “just paddling”. I did it 3 times:

1st Loop: 7:14
2nd Loop: 7:25
3rd Loop: 7:26

Garmin training log showing course around Newport Harabor