Category: Spring ’17

  • Design Thinking applied to the problem of Life!

    Design Thinking applied to the problem of Life!

    It’s Week B10 (13)! For our last week of “B” we’ll apply Design Thinking to the problem of Life, and write Short Stories inspired by the work we see in the SOA Galleries.

  • Dadaist Poetry

    Dadaist Poetry

    At the final we tried a variation on Dadaist Poetry. Here are a few samples of your poems.

  • Leaders, Feedback & Wrapping it Up!

    Leaders, Feedback & Wrapping it Up!

    Thanks everyone for a wonderful semester! I hope it was a useful, relevant & fun class. Have a great summer! Good luck next year! Have a wonderful life!

  • Final Info!

    Final Info!

    Materials & Teams for our Final! 🙂

  • Wk 15: Designing Your Life

    Wk 15: Designing Your Life

    It’s “Designing the Life you Really Want” week in Art 110! We’ll be in FA4-311 for an awesome visiting artist talk by Chantae Reden, and our Art Talk & Activity will both be about applying “Design Thinking” to Life Design.

  • Visiting Artist: Chantae Reden

    Visiting Artist: Chantae Reden

    Our visiting artist is action sport & travel writer Chantae Reden. She graduated from USC in 2012, moved to Perth, Australia, and has been traveling the world and writing about it ever since.

  • Wk 14 Sketching in the Garden

    Wk 14 Sketching in the Garden

    We’re off for a relaxing sketching trip to the CSULB Japanese Garden. Plus a few samples of some of your great Artist Conversations. Plus Jane’s Walk EC this weekend!

  • New Art Class & New Art Minors available now!

    Summer Art 110 is 100% online. Plus new ePortfolio class in the fall. Plus new Art Minors for everyone!

  • Dancing in the School of Art Courtyard

    Dancing in the School of Art Courtyard

    Art110 dancers Antonella, Kathryn, Makenna, Nathan & Toria improvising on a small scaffolding in the Art Gallery Courtyard on a sunny, windy, crisp and cold Wednesday afternoon.

  • Wk 7: Jacob & Miranda go to the Art Book Fair!

    Wk 7: Jacob & Miranda go to the Art Book Fair!

    Jacob got to hang out with Miranda July at the LA Art Book Fair! Plus more peeps visits to the Book Fair, some samples of your SOA Artist inspired Short Stories, and some samples of your Zines!

  • Wk 5: Automatic Drawing

    Wk 5: Automatic Drawing

    Beautiful “Art Care Packages” last week. This week it’s on to “Automatic Drawing!”

  • Wk 4: Samples of your ID Cards!

    Wk 4: Samples of your ID Cards!

    Here’s a few of your cool “ID Card Drawings” from Weeks 2 & 3! 😀

  • Wk 3: Visiting the School of Art Galleries

    Wk 3: Visiting the School of Art Galleries

    This week we head down to the School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard between FA2 & FA3 to look at the CSULB SOA Galleries: Gatov Gallery, Merlino Gallery, Werby Gallery & Dutzi Gallery, and to have conversations with the exhibiting SOA Artists!

  • Week 2: Landscapes w a Corpse

    Week 2: Landscapes w a Corpse

    Nice work on Plaster Casting everyone! This week it’s on to “Landscapes with a Corpse!”

  • Welcome to Art110!

    Welcome to Art110!

    Welcome to Art110! Welcome to Spring semester! Welcome back-2-The Beach!