New Art Class & New Art Minors available now!

Stuff Coming Up:

Summer – Art 110 – 100% online

Stockholm… Hong Kong… Fresno… Optional Meetups!

I’m teaching a 100% online version of Art110 over summer. If any of your friends are interested, I’d love to have them join us. The class is cool because you can go home for summer and still work on your degree. I’ve had students take the class from Stockholm, Hong Kong, Fresno, and other exciting places. Or even if you’re Long Beach based, you can still go to Las Vegas for a week and keep up.

For online students who are in The LBC over summer, we’ll have about 5 optional meetups for things like Plaster Casting, Graffiti Writing, Japanese Garden Sketching, Automatic Drawing & Museum Visits. For those in town it’s a nice, optional, way to feel a little more connected to classmates.

Fall – Art 490 – ePortfolios

I’m teaching a 1-unit, hybrid, ePortfolio class in the Fall. I know I’ve preached about ePortfolios this semester, and some of you have started to tweak your WordPress in that direction. If you want to really develop it, Art 490 ePortfolios might be ideal. LMK if you have any questions about it!

Fall – Art 110

I’ll be teaching Art110 F2F in the Fall. Send your friends! 😀

Fall – New Art Minors Available

They won’t be in the University Catalog for another year, but if you’re interested, you can talk to a School of Art Undergraduate Adviser and start working on them now.

For a long time most School of Art classes have been notoriously hard to get into for non-majors. Starting in the Fall, the gates will be flung open, at least a little bit. The SOA is introducing 5 new Art Minors that you can complete in just 15 units:

  1. Art History
  2. Ceramics
  3. Photography
  4. Printmaking
  5. Sculpture
Jennifer Ostroff & May Roded sitting across a table in the School of Art, Gallery Courtyard
Jennifer Ostroff & May Roded in conversation discussing Roded’s BFA Thesis Exhibition at the CSULB SOA Dutzi Gallery


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