Venice Pride


Location data for the Venice Pride event on the corner of Windward Avenue & Pacific Avenue in Venice Beach, California


Position on Earth: North 33.987782 x West 118.472275
Date/Time: 2016.06.04, O3:43:16 UTC / 20:43:16 PDT
XYZ Compass: Roll 2.5°, Pitch -3.3°, Yaw 200°

Sensation data for the Venice Pride event on the corner of Windward Avenue & Pacific Avenue in Venice Beach, California


Ambient Sound Level: 94dBa
Ambient Light Level: 174lux / 16.2footcandles
Ambient Atmosphere: 73.4°F / 23°C / 88% humidity / 14.7psi

Internet connectivity data for the Venice Pride event on the corner of Windward Avenue & Pacific Avenue in Venice Beach, California


WiFi: None / -127dBm
4G LTE: Ping 57ms / Down 15.21 Mbps / Up 15.61 Mbps

Rebecca & Kamal at the Venice Pride event at Windward & Pacific in Venice Beach, CA


Rebecca Nguyen, a recent graduate of Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) came to visit before heading off to Seoul, Korea to teach English for a year.

Kamal, a baker from Kathmandu, Nepal, accompanied his tea brewing friends Dharma & Puja on an expedition to Hawaii, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas.

Today Rebecca, Kamal, and I went on a small Los Angeles aventure. Rebecca’s plan had us hiking in the hills above Griffith Observatory and overlooking the Hollywood Sign, in the blistering noontime sun, and then roaming the Venice Boardwalk in the chilly late afternoon.

I teased Rebecca a lot about her poor, inverse, day-planning, and why she, or a better local advisor, couldn’t have done the beach in the sun and the hiking in the cool afternoon? But after tasty sushi bowls at The Poké Shack, Kamal noticed a party down the street and we went to listen to the DJ for a while. It turned out it was the 1st ever Venice Pride event. Rebecca wondered why the iconic “VENICE” sign across Windward Avenue wasn’t lit. A few minutes later a giant lever on the stage was thrown and we got to see the VENICE letters lit up in rainbow for the 1st time. And Rebecca had her revenge for all my teasing about her poor scheduling.

People dancing at the Venice Pride festival at Windward Ave & Pacific Av in Venice Beach, CA