Year: 2017
Wk 15: Designing Your Life
It’s “Designing the Life you Really Want” week in Art 110! We’ll be in FA4-311 for an awesome visiting artist talk by Chantae Reden, and our Art Talk & Activity will both be about applying “Design Thinking” to Life Design.
Visiting Artist: Chantae Reden
Our visiting artist is action sport & travel writer Chantae Reden. She graduated from USC in 2012, moved to Perth, Australia, and has been traveling the world and writing about it ever since.
Passionate arguments in support of nothing (I read the GPE (WPE) again today)
Bad data and presumptuous essay prompts conspire to make students write safe, conforming essays. A tiny step toward a more conforming life. What if the GPE exam were preceded by a creative brainstorming session? Would the essays be different?
Sample SCO: Dance 107
Sample Standard Course Outline for recently approved course: Dance 107: Introduction to Hip Hop Dance
Art 111 v2017b
Standard Course Outline (SCO) for Art 111 Experiencing Art at California State University, Long Beach. Proposed new course starts Fall ’18 or later.
New Art Class & New Art Minors available now!
Summer Art 110 is 100% online. Plus new ePortfolio class in the fall. Plus new Art Minors for everyone!
Dancing in the School of Art Courtyard
Art110 dancers Antonella, Kathryn, Makenna, Nathan & Toria improvising on a small scaffolding in the Art Gallery Courtyard on a sunny, windy, crisp and cold Wednesday afternoon.
Art 111 v2017a
A draft of a Standard Course Outline (SCO) for a new Long Beach State University, School of Art (SOA) GE course focusing on Seeing, Making & Critiquing.
TEDxCSULB Final Draft
Final Draft for my TEDxCSULB talk “Burn The University Catalog: lessons from alternative education” to be delivered 9 April ’17 at the Walter Pyramid on the campus of Long Beach State University.
Wk 5: Automatic Drawing
Beautiful “Art Care Packages” last week. This week it’s on to “Automatic Drawing!”
Burn the University Catalog
Draft of my TEDxCSULB talk for Sunday 9 April ’17 at the Walter Pyramid on the campus of Long Beach State University.
TEDxCSULB Kickoff Seminar
Notes from our TEDxCSULB workshop with Kimberlee Weil & Organizers Eric, Camille & Vania.