IndieWeb Talk for WordCamp Riverside?
To: Chris Aldrich
From: Glenn
Re: Doing a talk together at WordCamp Riverside 2018
Hi, Chris!
It was great talking about the IndieWeb and many other topics with you at WordCamp Los Angeles on Saturday!
Would you be interested in doing a talk together at WordCamp Riverside? Maybe something like:
WordPress & IndieWeb:
Rediscovering the creativity, joy, and power of Web 1.0 in a Web 2.0 world
LMK what you think, if your schedule will permit it, what a better topic or title might be, etc.
~ Glenn

Featured Image: Erwin Redl, Matrix ii
Look at Glenn with the webmentions turned on!! We should definitely put something together for November in Riverside. Let’s chat this week and brainstorm a bit on what that might look like. Perhaps a call tomorrow if you’re free? I haven’t seen a closing date for proposals, but we should try to turn something in relatively soon.
Depending on how deep you’ve gotten into things, you might be interested in attending (remotely) IndieWebCamp NYC this Friday and Saturday. They should have some reasonable remote participation options on Friday and Saturday that are sure to help get our creative juices flowing.
Great, Chris!
Now the question is… how do I do a Webmention reply?? Hmm…
I spoke to Various about this on Sunday and he said that the 27th (this Thursday) was the deadline for submissions.
I’m in the Pacific Ocean today (Tue) and at School tomorrow (Wed)… I probably have some talk time tomorrow… or maybe we can sort something out here online. I think the proposal could be pretty simple, and then if we get selected we can flesh out greater ideas/details.
I’ll take a look at IndieWebCamp NYC… sounds very interesting! Will you be going?
~ Glenn
In the spirit of the old “Ask Me” pages on Tumblr or the popularized version of Ask Me Anything on Reddit, and partly as an IndieWeb experiment, I thought I would have and own my own Ask Me Anything page.
Ideally, you’ll ask your question on your own website and send me a webmention to have the question appear in the comments section below where I can then answer it. If your site doesn’t support webmentions, you can ask your question and include the permalink for this page on it and then webmention me here manually. If you prefer to remain anonymous you can probably use the service CommentParade. You can always go old school and just ask your question in the comment box below as well. I’ll also accept emailed questions which I’ll post without the personally identifying information of the person making the query.
So go ahead, feel free to ask away about anything…
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Hi, Chris!
I’m teaching at Long Beach State today… and the WordCamp Riverside 2018 talk proposals are due tomorrow (Thursday, 27 Sept)…
Here’s a stab at a proposal… you can markup & reply… or if you want to talk by voice, I should have a window after 2pm today…
Presentation Title:
In the early, open days of The Web, just a few years ago, people used it as a personal, idiosyncratic platform for sharing creativity and knowledge. As The Web has matured, like all media before it, from the telegraph to television, it has moved into a more closed phase dominated by large hubs. People often rail against the excesses of large social media hubs, yet even beloved platforms like Wikipedia, while valuable, have homogenized and disembodied knowledge and meant the end of so many unique websites by high school biology teachers and countless others. The Commercial Web serves corporations and consumers well. With all the shouting online you might say it serves speech well also, yet it is sometimes not a place of considered speech.
As the largest, and most successful Open Source publishing platform today, or in history, WordPress is in a unique position to realize the forgotten-before-they-were-ever-realized dreams of the early IndieWeb. In this talk Chris & Glenn will consider the context of the IndieWeb, why it is valuable, and some of the technical implementations available today to bring the IndieWeb to life.
~ Glenn