Sara & Marta

Sara & Marta from Katowice, Poland came to visit. They’re great conversationalists, and also great travelers. It seems that you can throw them into any situation and they’ll not only work it out, but have a good experience with it.
My part of their trip started with a circuitous bus ride from Tijuana to Union Station in Los Angeles, to CSULB where we didn’t quite manage to meetup. The don’t have a USA SIM card and texting wasn’t working very well. We finally metup later in downtown Long Beach and went for a walk along Shoreline Park near the LB Aquarium of the Pacific and the LB Convention Center.
We walked up to The Lion Lighthouse in the park and had a rambling conversation about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and life and stuff. As we talked there was a couple drinking, dancing, and eavesdropping a bit on our conversation. The girl joined in our conversation and was very excited about whatever our great philosophies were. The guy looked really bored! 😛
And then we drove back to my place. I put the top down on the convertible and it might have sprinkled just a little. Marta got the “vivid” experience in the more windy backseat. And the pictures can tell the rest of the story from here…

What do you do at 11:30pm when you’re told you can’t go home for at least 6 hours?
We went to Target!
While at Target I called my mom who happened to still be awake. I asked her if we could come over and sleep for a while.

Sara & Marta leaving their lives behind in Poland to come visit America, then leaving most of their luggage in storage on the East Coast, and then leaving everything but the clothes on their backs at my house as they bused off to Las Vegas and The Grand Canyon made me think of George Carlin’s famous My Stuff monologue:

It’s sad that Sara & Marta’s wonderful California visit was crossed by the tragedy of American gun violence.
Amazing how adaptive and resilient they are.
Sad that I didn’t have a chance to spend more time with them.
And so great to meet them.