One One Nineteen
A few quick thoughts for a new year…

Social Media
When I’m not busy arguing how critical Instagram is for an art career, I’m often wanting to swear off Social Media or talking about how horrible Facebook is.
Surfing YouTube today I came across a TEDx talk about the waste of Social Media. The millennial computer scientist speaker argued that Social Media is low value and careers are built on more specialized, high-value work.
He’s right. Sort of.
But building a large enough following also becomes a high-value activity.
My Social Media use is already pretty low. And you do have to get your work in front of people in some way. IDK. Maybe less Social Media in 2019 would be good.
Can you do less Social Media than I’m already doing/not doing?

I’ve watched plenty of television in my lifetime. I swore off it some years back and haven’t had television in my home for a long time now.
As my mom gets older, I’m spending more days there. And this tends to involve a lot of television. To the extent that television-watching-turned-nap-time lets me catch up on sleep I’m deprived of, maybe this isn’t so bad. Still, I just kind of hate consuming television. And it kind of sucks that TV is unintentionally back in my life.

The Internet can be a lot better than television. It can also be about the same. YouTube is a world of resources. But the information quality of YouTube can slide into entertainment content. Not a bad thing. But without really noticing, I find myself spending more time than I’d like consuming content that is entertaining more than informing.
It’s a slippery slope.
And with Internet products like YouTube, the slope is engineered to capture as much of your (my) time as possible.

In the Classroom
Art 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts
Art 110
A very good semester!
Film Students
This semester there were a lot of Film Students in Art 110. About 45 out of 125. They brought a lot of interest and energy. For the 1st time ever (“ever” = 13 years, 2005-2018) there were students who wanted to sit in the front of the class.
Active Learning
Over these 13 years my teaching has evolved from lectures to active learning. Visiting with student artists, creating art projects, and so on. The “Classmate Conversations” of yore are gone, instead I’ve used some class time, especially in the 1st few weeks for meetups and interactions.
A Quarter in a Semester
For most of my 13 years at The Beach I’ve taught semester courses. In Fall 2017 I decided that this was too long in the Millennial age. That even if students loved a class, it got old. So I carved a Quarter out of our semester: 3 weeks of Intro, 10 weeks of the Main Course, and 3 weeks of Wrap Up, featuring optional EC Presentations, Guest Speakers, and so on.
I’ve tried this 3 times now: Fall 17, Spring 18 & Fall 18. I think it’s worked pretty well.
For some time students have done 3 blog posts/week. It stayed that way for Fall 17, but in student evaluations I noticed a number of students saying things like “good class, but 3 posts/week is too much work”, so for the past year, Spring 18 & Fall 18, I’ve cut it down to 2 posts/week for 10 weeks. Plus a final Art & (my) Life paper.
Welcome to The Beach
Since my TEDxCSULB 2017 talk, Burn the University Catalog, I’ve been thinking more and more about student engagement and student empowerment. This semester we used the 1st 3 weeks to:
- Introduce Art Ideas (Abstraction & Representation, Aesthetics & Beauty, Performance & Authenticity, etc)
- Meet Classmates
- Learn about Opportunities & Resources at The Beach
Part 3 was accomplished with a number of visiting speakers:
- Communicate – Dominic & Natalie / 22 West Media
- Study Abroad – Kandis Pagoda
- Internships – Rosa Trujillo
- Negotiate – Glenn
- Teach – Dr. J.
- ePortfolios – we didn’t have a speaker, but everyone made one!
- Art/Life – Lizzie Green
Next time I’d also invite someone from CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services)
The students seemed to appreciate this “map” of campus resources and said that they really didn’t hear about these things anywhere else. I might repeat all this next Fall, but for Spring I have 2 different ideas:
Photography Workshop
A lot of students are interested in photography, and many use it at least on platforms like Instagram & Snapchat. Unlike Painting or Drawing which are multi-year things to master, I think you could give students a brief-but-meaningful photographic vocabulary in a few weeks. I’d like to try using the “A” section of the Spring ’18 class for this.
3-10-3 > 4-8-4?
Some students have complained that even 10 weeks of visiting the SOA Galleries is too much. After 3 pretty successful semesters of the 3-10-3 format, perhaps I should give 4-8-4 a try?
I <3 Whiteboards!
A somewhat accidental innovation this semester was that I tried to use as little data projector as possible, and to emphasize using the classroom whiteboard. We were lucky to be in Psy-150 which has a fantastic, expansive whiteboard. Next term we’re in MM-100 which isn’t quite as ideal.
I’ve liked Freemind over Powerpoint for its interactivity, but I think it’s too fussy. And it’s still a lecture. This term I tried to use the whiteboard which can make things feel a bit more alive. Also, I tried to not be the only person writing on the whiteboard. Many days I tried to come up with a reason for students to come up and write a word or idea, or mark a point on a scale, so that the whiteboard got students out of their seats and interacting with ideas.

Art 490: Artist’s Websites
This was my 3rd semester teaching 2 sections of Art 490. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that this is not a class in choosing or even working with web platforms. That’s the easy part!
The hard part is helping students really focus on what their goals are and organizing portfolios that speak clearly and directly to Curators, Clients, HR Directors, and others who can help them achieve those goals.

In the World
It’s so easy to get busy with things and not make time to meetup with people. I suppose this is as close to a “resolution” as this post gets: in 2019 I hope to be more deliberate about having lunch with more people. Both long-time friends and new acquaintances.
(since I became a disciple of Dr. Rhonda Patrick half a year ago, I’ve been doing Time Restricted Eating (TRE) and not so many late Dinners)

Street Photography
I had a great Street Photography experience in 2018.
What happens in 2019?
More of the same?
Or do my goals or approach change?

I’d like to make a couple of photography books:
I hope to pick about 36 images (3/month) from my street work in 2018 and print a book.
Tea with Aunt Sheila
We had a few Tea with Aunt Sheila meetups in 2018. We rode the Metro Gold Line from Atlantic Station to the Little Tokyo/Arts District Station. Chado Tea Room is directly across the street. I’d like to put together a book for mom featuring the people and times we had in 2018.

Dad’s Slides
Straight Trays
Dad has 169 numbered trays. And maybe 2 dozen other trays.
Dad’s TDC Vivid projector for straight slide trays still works mostly fine. (the rubber friction wheel on the lens focus has lost a lot of resiliance and could use some renewing). The last bulb dad bought for it, a CLS/CLG 300 watt/120 volt, 25 hour lamp, cost him 2 dollars and 31 cents at Fedco.
Well, Fedco does’t exist anymore. And apparently, neither does the CLS/CLG. I looked online and found them selling for between $50 and $100 per lamp!
Carousel Trays
Dad has xx Carousel trays.
Dad’s carousel projector recently died. There’s an online repair kit that’s either easy or hard to use depending on which review you read. There are some used Carousel projectors on Ebay for around $200, which might be a simpler option.
8mm Movies
Dad’s movie projector is also dead. But I think he only has 4 reels of assembled clips, and mom transferred them to DVD a while back, so I don’t think we need that projector. I’m planning to edit these into small video clips and upload them to YouTube.

I sort of forgot to date in 2018.
I’ll report back if I do better in 2019.
But no apps on my phone. I think a desktop site is better. Doing lots of swiping right or left just feels so far from anything meaningful.
The Power of Media: Unleashing the Potential of Social Platforms
Welcome to, your ultimate destination for all things related to media in the digital age. Today, we explore the profound impact of social platforms on communication, engagement, and the dissemination of information.
The Evolution of Media
Media has undergone a dramatic transformation with the advent of social platforms. From traditional print publications and broadcast networks, we have transitioned into a digital landscape that offers unparalleled opportunities for creativity, expression, and connection.
Empowering Individuals and Brands
Social platforms have given individuals and brands alike a voice in the media landscape. With just a few clicks, anyone can share their thoughts, perspectives, and creations with a global audience. This democratization of media has empowered individuals to become content creators, influencers, and thought leaders.
If you’re looking to enhance your presence on social media, services like The Marketing Heaven can be a valuable resource. They provide tools to boost engagement and visibility on platforms like YouTube, helping you reach a wider audience and foster genuine connections.
The Rise of User-Generated Content
User-generated content has become a driving force in the media landscape. Social platforms have enabled individuals to share their experiences, opinions, and stories in various formats, from text posts to photos and videos. This shift has not only transformed the way we consume media but also disrupted traditional media models.
With user-generated content, authenticity and relatability have taken center stage. People crave genuine connections and seek out content that resonates with their own experiences. Social platforms provide a space where individuals can find like-minded communities, engage in conversations, and shape the narratives that matter to them.
Engagement and Interaction
Social platforms have revolutionized audience engagement and interaction. In the digital era, media is no longer a one-way street. Audiences can actively participate in discussions, share their opinions, and even influence the course of conversations.
From liking and sharing posts to leaving comments and direct messaging, social platforms foster real-time interactions between creators and audiences. This level of engagement deepens connections, builds communities, and creates a sense of belonging in the digital world.
The Future of Media
As we look ahead, the future of media is undoubtedly intertwined with social platforms. The continued evolution of technology will bring forth new ways to create, consume, and engage with media. Virtual and augmented reality, live streaming, and artificial intelligence are just a few of the exciting developments that will shape the media landscape in the coming years.
It is crucial to stay informed, adapt to changing trends, and embrace new platforms and formats. As social platforms evolve, they will continue to be a powerful catalyst for connectivity, creativity, and cultural exchange.