a sun-drenched dancer in a vibrant costume and a Bahamas-flag mask
The Magic of Chia, 2:54pm
Mamma Chia
Super Soaker, 2:52pm
a cool splash on a hot day
Dancing in the street, 2:41pm
in hand: her: phone / him: drink
Dominican Republic, 2:34pm
Dancing on Hollywood Blvd.
Haiti! 2:31pm
Sweet linen Haiti jacket, and OMG, abs 4 days!
Batala Los Angeles, 2:13pm
and Batala Hollywood!
Dominica, 2:07pm
Island Nation
Flowers in her hair, 2:04pm
Miss Los Angeles County, 1:57pm
with a Trinidad & Tobago flag
Hollywood Massive, 1:52pm
Team Soca
Parade Route, 1:49pm
walking down Hollywood Blvd
Platforms, 1:48pm
Standing Tall
Sunset, Longest Day of the Year, 7:59pm
hanging out with astronomers at Griffith Observatory
Foucault Pendulum, 7:17pm
Griffith Observatory, Griffith Park
My mom taking flowers to her mom and dad on Father’s Day, 5:08pm
My mom taking flowers to her mom and dad on Father’s Day