Travelers from Dublin
Sculpt Me, 7:14pm
Sculpt Me
Skating down Sunset, 8:59pm
a guy and three girls skateboard down Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, in front of Amoeba Music
Playmates of Hollywood is closing, 8:34pm
Playmates, the grand emporium of impossibly tall heels, long hair wigs, and tiny costumes, closed tonight.
Michael ‘n Me, 7:44pm
A woman with a black-and-lavender ombre takes a selfie with a Michael Jordan character on Hollywood Blvd.
Polaris Slingshot, 9:27pm
A [Polaris Slingshot]( driving down Hollywood Blvd on a Saturday night.
My Chariot, 9:17pm
My Chariot
Jeep and Puppies, 6:45pm
Jeep and Puppies
Saint Patrick’s Day, 5:19pm
Saint Patrick’s Day
Shamrock Glasses, 5:16pm
Shamrock Glasses
Men at work (Hollywood & Ivar) 4:49pm
Men at Work
This Way! 4:38pm
This Way!
Wasted, 4:19pm
A guy walking down Hollywood Blvd in a green shamrock suit and wearing a baseball cap that reads “wasted”
Future Scientologists, 4:13pm
Future Scientologists
Come on in and have a drink! 9:59pm
Come on in and have a drink!
Walking the human, 9:56pm
Walking the human