Category: Summer ’14

  • Happy Trails!

    Happy Trails!

    We’ve come to the end of our 12-week summer Art110! I’ve tallied your Up & Down votes for our activities and worked on some ideas for a better course. You’ll never guess who wound up being the #1 student this summer. And finally a farewell message. It’s been a great…

  • Wk 12: Teach One!

    Wk 12: Teach One!

    Did you think your summer would never end? Here we are: Week 12! Time to wrap up this chapter in the novel of your life. To help us do it we have special guests: The Art of Our Time, Andy Warhol, and your chance to “teach one” art activity or…

  • Online Discussion Groups

    Online Discussion Groups

    Based on student feedback, video discussion groups are out. Text chat is possible, but commenting on each other’s blogs seems like an even more natural, valuable, and asynchronous way to go.

  • Wk 11: Your Turn!

    Wk 11: Your Turn!

    This week it’s Your Turn to pick the Activity! Try an art activity you’ve always wanted to. Also this week we look at the 21st century and the work of virtual performance artist Joseph DeLappe.

  • Landscapes with a Corpse

    Landscapes with a Corpse

    You guys seemed to have a lot of fun with Landscapes with a Corpse. It seems like even the few of you who weren’t so excited about the idea wound up having fun once you got into it. Here’s a few of your “landscapes.”

  • Wk 10: Portrait Photography

    Wk 10: Portrait Photography

    In our 2nd week of Identity Art we try Portrait Photography of our own demise. Meanwhile our Art talk on Free Culture and our Artist OTW Aaron Swartz both ask us to think about creativity here in the “Internet Century,” and if the old folkways, mores, norms, and laws of…

  • Your CFID Activities

    Your CFID Activities

    Wonderful Counterfactual Identity projects you guys! It’s interesting, a bunch of you were so excited to do this activity… and… a bunch of you were so dreading doing this activity! But I have to say that the peeps who were excited and the peeps who were dreading both wound up…

  • Wk 9: Hacking Reality

    Wk 9: Hacking Reality

    In week 7 we looked at Realism & Romanticism. This week we’ll think about Representation & Abstraction, hang out with the reality smashing Italian pranksters Eva & Franco Mattes, and hack our personal reality with our Counterfactual Identity activity.

  • Your Kickstarter Vids

    Your Kickstarter Vids

    Last week you tried out making a Kickstarter pitch for some creative project. Here are a few of your wonderful videos. You may have done it for “practice” this time, but remember that you could do it “for real” the next time you have an inspiring idea. Kickstarter is a…

  • Wk 8: Kickstarter

    Wk 8: Kickstarter

    It’s all about “limits” this week. The limitless artist Marina Abramovic. The limitless possibilities of funding creative projects through Kickstarter. And the limitless world of art in the 20th century.

  • Rapid Prototype Samples

    Rapid Prototype Samples

    Here’s a few of your cool prototypes from our Week 7 Activity. These 8 projects cover 3 areas: 4 phone accessories, 2 desk organizers, and 2 eating convenience items. Nice work by all! Click anyone’s name to visit their site and learn the details of their project.

  • Wk 7: Rapid Prototype

    Wk 7: Rapid Prototype

    This week we imagine design in our world, like the Ford Mustang, Apple iPhone, or Alexander McQueen fashions. We imagine alternate reality like the art of Nikki S. Lee, the walks of Janet Cardiff, or Bruce Branit’s “World Builder.” We stretch our imaginations to create new designs. We ask, in…

  • Instagram Day Summer 14

    Instagram Day Summer 14

    It’s Instagram Day in Summer Art 110! For the 24 hours of Wednesday July 2, 2014 our 26-student community is snapping IG’s of whatever is going on in their life and hashtagging them #art110sum14. After today we’ll each review our group day and reflect on any connections we see in…

  • Wk 6: Social Photography

    Wk 6: Social Photography

    For week 6 we’re doing our group Instagram activity and thinking about the 19th century and the work of Nikki S. Lee.

  • Wk5: Painting

    Wk5: Painting

    Our focus this week, besides Painting, The Renaissance & The Baroque, and Artist OTW Victorine Meurent, is to fine-tune our Discussion Groups a bit.

  • Venice Artwalls Summer ’14

    Venice Artwalls Summer ’14

    I metup with Amanda (and her niece) Siraj, and Julia (and her roommate) at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls yesterday. Lostone JSK was checking peeps in yesterday and he was super helpful!

  • Wk4: Drawing

    Wk4: Drawing

    Hello Everyone! Nice work with your vlogs and discussions in Week 3, and now it’s on to Middle Ages, Joseph Cornell, and Drawing our names for Week 4!

  • Wk 3: vlogging

    Wk 3: vlogging

    From Ancient Greece and Rome resonating through Western Culture for 2,000 years, to Francesca Woodman inspiring other artists, to your own “Hi, it’s me!” vlog for visitors to your website, it’s all about connections this week!