Wearable Tech LA

Wearable Tech LA (WTLA) was today at the Pasadena Convention Center. I live blogged WTLA on Twitter. Here are my posts:
In addition to a long list of speakers, the 3 winning teams from Extreme Wearables Designathon (XWD) 2 weeks ago also presented their wearables.
presented right before my own team, Compass H2O, so Joseph & I were a little focused & I unfortunately didn’t take photos of their presentation. But I did learn that they made whole new protypes since XWD! They got smaller and even more elegant. Like fine jewelry!
Compass H2O
It felt like Joseph and I gave a pretty nice presentation of Compass H2O’s work.
gave another impressive presentation. I think this one might have been even better than their 1st presentation!
#wearabletechla pic.twitter.com/9Fox11sv91
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Julien bin #wtla http://t.co/ooKP0P8qkr pic.twitter.com/NkrS1etwZl
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Nadeem Kassam, BioBeats / Basis – Adaptive Media #wtla pic.twitter.com/i1bO1TOzxA
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Merging entertainment and health care to create lasting wellness – Nadeem Kassam #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Smart Footwear – Quin Sandler & Jessica Naziri #wtla pic.twitter.com/hq8mDYxkxK
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Erick Miller, Andy Grognon, Ariel Garten, Takuro Yoshida, Janet Hansen, Kayvan Mirza, Stuart Brazeli, Ken Hertz pic.twitter.com/pusBvUTLWe
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Our brains will become more of an indexing device & the computer will be extended memory – Erick Miller #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
You look like a douche in Google Glass, but cool in giant headphones – Wearable Entertainment & Hollywood #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
EEG today can tell you " like" or "dislike," but not finer grained emotional shifts – Ariel Garten, CEO InteraXon #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Quin Sandler's 14 point Force Platform shoe insert #wtla pic.twitter.com/HqwLq83ZNq
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Quin Sandler #wtla pic.twitter.com/13uDZWtqNH
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Stacey Burr, Adidas Wearable showing Smart Ball ( guts) & Smart Shirt – Sports & Wearables #wtla pic.twitter.com/slrrnBagjs
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Davide Vigano, CEO Heapsylon – Not about Them, about You: Race Yourself, Your Friends, Celebrities pic.twitter.com/YSoPyVtDtB
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Mikko Malmivaara, Dick Fosbury, Davide Vigano, Stacey Burr, Julien Blin – Sports & Wearables #wtla pic.twitter.com/z8JKsb8mta
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Sensor Dust – sensors embedded in everything – who will crunch all that data & tell you useful things #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
People watch (purchase products) what role models (entertainers & athletes) are doing – Dick Fosbury #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Professional sport is about entertainment, but amateur sport is how most of us intersect our wellness journey – Stacey Burr #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Guts of Addidas smart ball #wtla pic.twitter.com/8NADmMdDNJ
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Progress SDK Products – FOCUS Motion, FOCUS Radar – we go much deeper than just what happened pic.twitter.com/cp92ke2XQ8
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
I don't care about the display on my wrist, I care about sensors. We love open sensors. We'd love to open up closed accelereters like Fitbit
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Jared Tangney – wrist wearable biochemical sensor – " let us help you exercise smarter" #wtla pic.twitter.com/gAES8zajKr
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Rock My World – body driven music – 82% of people who exercise listen to music – heart rate, steps, stress, sweat pic.twitter.com/eZuZPy5uxG
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Rock My World is like SiriusXM but instead of embedded in Fords & Chevys, we're in watches & treadmills #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Skybell – see who's there without going to the door #wtla pic.twitter.com/CkNjdWOj3J
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Startup Pitching Session #wtla pic.twitter.com/aIZxAqqLY1
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Pasadena convention Center fake Chihuly chandeliers #wtla pic.twitter.com/ccRfTM6CDw
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Emoty team preparing for presentation #wtla pic.twitter.com/8q7y6dzhpu
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Magdalena experiencing MUSE the brain sensing headband #wtla pic.twitter.com/DQ8XFMiSHV
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Oliver Starr with wolves & wifi GoPro #wtla pic.twitter.com/66gm1LRgyO
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Jamie Sherman, Eliott Kotek, Neil Harbisson, Syuzi Pakhchyan – Outliers: Wearables on the periphery #wtla pic.twitter.com/ANJHKvKvFQ
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Eliott Kotek -Not Impossible Labs: assistive technology "has gone from blink to think" #wtla pic.twitter.com/v8hSsMY9kz
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Neil Harbisson, Cyborg Foundation, has had his sensor connected to his skull for 10 years now #wtla pic.twitter.com/v3L69kpgtt
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
"What's the difference between a wearable & a backpack?" – Jamie Sherman, Cultural Anthropologist, Intel #wtla pic.twitter.com/L84qpE65r8
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
"Everything is open source – I should never be selling antennas" – Neil Harbisson #wtla pic.twitter.com/n0Wwoxt3ns
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Team Emoty presenting their family to family empathetic bracelets #wtla pic.twitter.com/IYD2g9ORVK
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Lisa Turallo wearing her Emoty empathy bracelet #wtla pic.twitter.com/KdCJ1mIv7i
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Lisa talks to conference attendee about him Emoty wristbands pic.twitter.com/EQaF1ao3Ik
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Sonny Vu, Jesse Shantz, Charles Yim, Nadeem Kassam, Stanley Yang, Jon Healy – Wearable 2.0 Health Platforms #wtla pic.twitter.com/4gQzgGfF2r
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Charmy wearing Compass H2O #wtla pic.twitter.com/qhTZvNMl0s
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Posture: Pain, vain, or train – Monisha Perkash, CEO LUMO #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Data by itself is useless, you've gotta turn it into products & actionable feedback – Monosha Perkash #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 17, 2014
Fail, but fail fast, and move your company forward. Ship & ship frequently. – Charles Michael Yim, CEO Breatheter #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
We hired lots of smart people from big name schools – had lots of social problems – Sonny Vu #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
We are all cyborgs – Mark Meadows #wtla pic.twitter.com/PC8xNA64wg
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
I prefer not to talk about the "real" & the "virtual", the "virtual" is just the mind & the "real" is the physical – Mark Meadows, #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
Software robots to help people manage their own health – Mark Meadows #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
Conference attendee wearing Compass H2O! #wtla pic.twitter.com/ksvxSAkv39
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
Everybody was crazy about Ed Tang's headphones with the headband that flips down to project video! #avegant #wtla pic.twitter.com/GI9KMr0kPS
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
You've gotta start somewhere where there's personal relevance in the product – David Garver, Emerging Devices, AT&T #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
It's not about market share, it's about profit margin – Myriam Joire, Chief Evangelist, Pebble #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
It's imperative that you keep an open platform. We publish 3D models of our watches on GitHub so people can design accessories – MyriamJoire
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
Pick any two adversaries out there and chances are they have cocktails every day after work – Myriam Joire #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
We're still using sensors that were designed for air bags. We've barely scratched the surface of what's possible – Jonathan Palley #wtla
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014
Check out Charmy's awesome business card pens #wtla pic.twitter.com/csYdGfsTdB
— Glenn Zucman (@gzucman) July 18, 2014