Hello Extreme Wearable World

Welcome to ideas R.sexy! Charmy, Sharon & I just created this site 5 minutes ago! 🙂 So far I’ve invited a few peeps to join us, with more invitations on the way. I think the #1 question from everyone is,
What do you want me to post here?
Charmy and I had a conversation about Community this week. We like things like “excellence” and “greatness,” but what we really like is the idea of building a creative community. A drop-in virtuoso can add some nice zest, but our focus is on gathering interesting people and having them talk about whatever is on their mind. This site is designed to accommodate “a tweet” or 1,000 words. A photo, or a video. You never have to worry that your post is too short… or too long.
Mostly, you should just post you! Not everyone will have a comment on everything, but eclectic as the peeps here are, I think we’re all connected to forms of creativity here in the 2nd decade of the 21st century. It’s a pretty crazy-amazing time to be alive, so let’s talk about it!
What are you working on?
Or thinking about…
This is a sample comment! Looks like WTLA was a pretty cool event!
Wow, that’s really interesting! (haha, another sample comment! 🙂
This is a mobile comment – mobile comments rock! Feel the freedom!
I’m currently thinking about making it an effort to go somewhere or do something new every week and blogging about it. I really like this concept of your guys’ concept that you want going on here. A drop-in virtuoso can add some nice zest, but our focus is on gathering interesting people and having them talk about whatever is on their mind.
So would that be in a form of a guest blogpost? Or a forum? Orrrrr? 🙂 How does this all work?
Hey DT, thanks for visiting! Most of the peeps here (or soon to arrive) are from Extreme Wearables Designathon a couple of weeks ago. But everyone with passion & vision (your middle names!) is welcome. I’ll DM you a username / password on Twitter.
You could talk about your (awesome) weekly challenges, or your Bitcoin activities, or whatever you like. You already know how to use WordPress, you can use this site just like your other WP sites, or it’s also “frontend focused” to be faster & easier to post / discuss. I put a little demo on our How page.
I saw that! Is the comment section powered by disqus? Or maybe not I’m just wondering how my thumbnail appeared without me having to upload the picture! 😀 Alrighty! Sounds goooood! I’m excited to see this community grow.
They’re “native” WordPress comments. They use icons/avatars from http://gravatar.com which you probably setup when you made 1 of your websites.