The Poet Is In, 5:04pm

a poet and a guest sit across a table on the North Patio at Union Station in Los Angeles. As part of "The Poet is in" for National Poetry Month, poets have a conversation with a guest and then write a poem for them.


The Poet Is In
An interactive poetry exchange
Celebrating National Poetry Month
Union Station, North Patio

In Union Station’s North Patio, poets sat at tables with typewriters. Visitors had conversations with the poets, from which the poets wrote a bespoke poem for each visitor.

a poet and a guest sit across a table on the North Patio at Union Station in Los Angeles. As part of "The Poet is in" for National Poetry Month, poets have a conversation with a guest and then write a poem for them.


a poet and a guest sit across a table on the North Patio at Union Station in Los Angeles. As part of "The Poet is in" for National Poetry Month, poets have a conversation with a guest and then write a poem for them.


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