Wk 3: Secret Architectures!
Yay 4 last week’s awesome vlogs! This week we’re on to Secret Architecture, Classical Greece & Rome, and the art of Maika Elan.
Wk 2: Vlogging 4 fun & profit!
Nice work with Plaster Casting last week. This week we’re on to Vlogging, Cave Art & Ai Weiwei!
Welcome 2 Summer Art @The Beach!
Welcome to Art 110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, 12-week Summer Session, Summer 2018.
Summer ’18 Roster
Roster for Art 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts. Summer 2018. 100% online course. Long Beach State University, College of the Arts, School of Art, instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Summer ’18 Materials
Materials List for Art 110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, Long Beach State University, College of the Arts, School of Art. Instructor: Glenn Zucman. 100% Online Course, Summer Session 2018.
Summer ’18 Artist Essay Template
Template for Artist’s Essays. Art 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts. 100% online course. Summer Session 2018. Long Beach State University, College of the Arts, School of Art. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Summer ’18 Syllabus
Syllabus for Art 110, Introduction to the Visual Arts. Long Beach State University. College of the Arts. School of Art. Instructor: Glenn Zucman. Summer Session 2018.
The Final, Your Feedback, Points Update, and Beyond!
Hi, everyone! Congratulations on finishing Art 110 and the Spring 2018 Semester @TheBeach! Here’s your final points update, leaderboard, pix from the final, and your feedback on the class. Happy Summer!
Week C1 (14) Points Update & Final Info
EC Info, Final Info, Points Update, Class Leaderboard, and a few of your awesome ID Cards!
Design Thinking applied to the problem of Life!
It’s Week B10 (13)! For our last week of “B” we’ll apply Design Thinking to the problem of Life, and write Short Stories inspired by the work we see in the SOA Galleries.
Visiting Artist: Gabriela Herstik
Our visiting artist this week is Gabriela Herstik. She’s a prolific, Los Angeles-based, witch, writer, and fashionista. You’ll find lots of compelling photography on her Instagram, and plenty of writing on her own website, and many other sites
Architecture Week in Art 110
Architecture, Urban Planning, Jane’s Walk, Redesigning the Wedge, White Supremacy & the Middle Ages, and Katelyn’s softball game!
A few thoughts about abstraction
I hope that in this activity you can experience some of the true power and beauty of Abstraction.
Plaster Casting @ Seal Beach Pier
We had an optional Plaster Casting meetup at the Seal Beach Pier on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, 2018. Here are a few snaps of the activities.
Spring ’18 Artist Essay Template
Artist Essay Template for CSULB School of Art (SOA) Course Art110 – Introduction to the Visual Arts, Spring 2018. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Spring ’18 Materials
Materials for Art110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, CSU Long Beach, School of Art, Spring Semester 2018. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.
Spring ’18 Roster
Roster for CSULB, School of Art, Art110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, Spring semester 2018. Instructor: Glenn Zucman.