Category: Fall ’16
Wk 16 – Finger Painting ‘n Feedback
A look at your Week 15 Finger Painting Activities, your feedback on the class, and the final points and leaderboard for Fall semester 2016 in Art110 at the CSULB School of Art.
Final for S3 / 2:30 – Snapchat Challenge!
Exciting news, Savannah Avalos of Savvy Parties will be leading our final with a special Snapchat Challenge!
Wk 15 – Shalane’s getting married! (+Finger Painting & Last Week ‘o Class)
We’re trying Finger Painting and visiting the SOA Holiday Art Sale this week! Plus samples from your Instagram activities last week and your thoughts about EDU-2036. Plus you get to meet UnCollege students Mihir Kathpalia & Allison Bouganim!
Wk14: Instagram & the Future of College
We’re meeting in the classroom, FA4-311, for the last time this week. We’ll talk about The Final, (have a potluck?) Websites, ePortfolios, and of course, Classmate Conversations!
WP Campus Online talk proposal
WP Campus, a WordPress group focused on Education, is holding a virtual conference in January. This is a copy of the proposal I submitted for “Using WordPress for Student ePortfolios”
Wk 13 – Vlog & Conquer! (& then Fall Break)
We’re in the classroom, FA4-311 with visiting artist Carla Dauden helping to inspire our vlogs & eportfolios this week. Next week: vegan turkey!
Visiting Artist: Carla Dauden
Filmmaker and activist Carla Dauden visits Art110 this week for a conversation about media, careers, and having a voice in your culture. Bring your questions!
Wk 12 – Scantrons & Twines, oh my!
Lots of cool Twine & Scantron EC projects! Classmate conversation triptychs. What is art? Abstraction & Representation.
Lydia’s Scantron Art EC Contest
Lydia challenges Y-O-U to take those Scantrons you’re sick of and turn them into cool art pieces!
Wk 11 – Home Stretch!
Coooool Fiber Art Social Network last week! This week we hang out at the SOA Galleries for conversations!
Wk 10: Fiber Art Social Network
Deep and thoughtful Art Care Packages last week! This week another way of looking at the connections of our lives: Fiber Art Social Network
Wk 9 – Sending an “Art Care Package”
Nice sketches at the CSULB Japanese Garden last week! Seems like many of you found the garden & the sketching a nice relaxing experience among the rush of the semester.
Wk 8: Sketching in the Japanese Garden
This week we meet at the CSULB Japanese Garden (over by parking lots & dorms) for some relaxing afternoon sketching! 🙂
Wk 7 Fancy Classmate Convo’s!
Great Zines & Flip Books last week! No new “Activity” this week. Meet @SOA Galleries 4 Artist Conversation & *NEW* version of Classmate Conversation! 😀
Wk 6: Zines & Flip Books!
Something a little different this week: 1st 1/2 of roster upstairs in FA4-311 for 1st 1/2 of class & downstairs @Galleries for 2nd 1/2. Opposite for 2nd 1/2 of roster. We’ll be upstairs working on your Zines or Flip Books, and down at the SOA Galleries doing another (great) Artist…
Wk 5: Last Week Drawing, This Week Painting
Truly beautiful work in your Automatic Drawings last week! This week we move from drawing to painting as we try Graffiti Writing. Hope to (optionally) see you at the Venice Art Walls on Saturday!