Need Help?
- Ask online
- Come to before class OH on Wed 11:30-12:30 @Robek’s / Coffee Bean umbrella tables
- I can go to AS-120 (AS building is next to The Beach Hut, next to The Library) after class on Wed, at 3:45 and help anyone with anything.
- Make an appointment to meetup another time

Fall Break!
I hope everyone had a nice Fall Break! For the freshman & sophomores in the class – lucky you – CSULB never used to have “Fall Break”, it was just 2 days off for Thanksgiving and you had to decide whether or not to ditch your classes in the 1st half of the week. We just invented Fall Break, I think, last year! 😀
Anyway, I hope you had a good fall break wherever you were! BTW, you know, if you did anything cool, went anywhere fun, thought anything interesting, over fall break, you could blog about it on your blog / website! There’s a reason I asked / allowed you to have your own websites instead of just dumping everything in the black hole that is BeachBored: I’d really like to see you take the power of The Net and make it a career tool for your personal brand. Whether you blog or vlog, or use Instagram or SnapChat, these are all powerful communication tools. A lot of you use tools like Snapchat for fun and connection with friends, which is great! But don’t forget these tools can also be powerful aids in getting you hired if you want a job, or finding clients if you want to work for yourself. If you haven’t already, try to post some good work you did in some class on your website. Or some achievement you made at work.
We’ve said so much in the past 2 weeks about how the election results came out the way they did. It was close, so lots of factors on both sides could have made the difference. Donald Trump Tweeted some pretty off the wall stuff. But for the peeps who supported him, whether or not they found his Tweets offensive, I think they found them “real”. They forgave a lot because they perceived him as authentic. Twitter, blogs, vlogs, Snapchat, Instagram and all the other tools today offer a powerful chance to be authentic. And the great thing is, to get elected president you need about 60 million people to believe in you, but to get hired or start developing a client list, even 6 people who really believe in you might be enough.
The Final!
Don’t forget, The California State University at Long Beach requires me to give a final, and requires you to attend it!
- 1pm Final is Monday Dec 12, 12:30-2:30 in the SOA Gallery Courtyard
- 2:30 Final is Wednesday Dec 14, 2:45-4:45 in the SOA Gallery Courtyard
The Final will be: Art Games!
- Do not be late.
- Do not book an airline ticket for December 11
You can check the final schedule for Art110, or any other class here.
Final Teams & Team Leaders
Both classes will be divided into 8 teams for the final. For team leaders, we’ll use the Top 8 in each class from this week’s leaderboard. Teams can have up to 7 peeps each, or the leader plus 6 more. If you want to be on a team, just message the team leader of your choice, who will either say “OK,” or let you know if their team is already full. Also team leaders can ask anyone they like to be on their team.
To message a team leader, you can leave a comment on their website, their names are linked below. Or you can email them via the roster page on BeachBored. Leaders can recruit members via BeachBored, or by using the roster page here on BeachArts.
Team Names!
Team Leaders – please message me with the name of an artist, living or dead, that you’d like to choose for the name of your team.
Pot Luck?
You can vote in class on Wed if you’d like to have a potluck for the final or not.
Here’s our current leaderboard for Week 14, and also our 8 Team Leaders for our Art Games Final:
Top 8 @1pm:
- Hannah Adams, 819
- Stephanie Arciva, 768
- Maritess Anne Inieto, 750
- Melissa Rios, 748
- Selena Lara, 732
- Brian Sath, 728
- Amanda Martinez, 727
- Joy Elizabeth Uba, 721
Top 8 @2:30:
- Nathan Davalos, 869
- Felix Huynh, 794
- Zack Ngov, 790
- Lydia Chang, 773
- Yesenia Hernandez, 770
- Jamie Van, 763
- Adriana Maciel, 742
- Linney Sar, 741
Points on BeachBored
All points through Week 13 are now up on BeachBored. Be sure to check your points and know where you stand! So far we’ve had 688 points possible. Here’s how many points you should have to be on track for each grade level, and how many peeps in 1p / 2:30 are currently at each grade level:
A = 619 points – 51 / 43
B = 550 points – 10 / 11
C = 481 points – 0 / 0
D = 412 points – 1 / 1
F = 411 points – 3 / 7
- 1p GPA = 3.62
- 2:30 GPA = 3.32

Wk 14 – This Week!
- Art Talk Discussion – at the bottom of this post
- Activity – Instagram
- Artist Conversation – None this week
- Classmate Conversation – @FA4-311
Instagram Activity
It’s Instagram this week in Art110, and Wednesday is Instagram Day!. We’ll take pix on Wed and hashtag them #art110f16. Then after Wednesday you’ll look over the “group portrait” we all created with this hashtag. Full details on our IG page:
Classmate Question OTW
This week’s question is a little different. You’ll still discuss it with your new classmate friend, but also please make your answer part of today’s ID card.
Describe what the College Experience will be like for a student in 2036.
Write next week’s Classmate Question OTW here: Classmate Question OTW
EC: Professional Portfolio
Last week we made “Welcome to my Website” vlogs and About Me pages. This week you can optionally take the next step and turn your Art110 website into a personal ePortfolio. To do this you should take some before & after screen caps of your website. You might look for a better, more fitting theme. Or keep the one you have. For sure you should upload several pieces for your portfolio. For most of you this will be your major. If you have work experience you can upload some of that, otherwise you can upload papers and other projects from classes. This will mostly be your major, but it could also be your band, your health & lifestyle website, etc. Write a blog post describing what your goals were and what you did. Show your Before & After pix. Alalyze the value of your site as it is now and what you’d like it to be like in the future. EC: up to 30 points.
Your Vlogs!
Great work everyone! I know it can be intimidating to talk to a camera and you all made a really nice 1st effort. On our Carla Dauden visiting artist day I mentioned to the 1p class, but not the 2:30 class, that a couple of years ago instead of blogging, one semester we did the whole class by vlogs! Yup! They vlogged every week!
As you can imagine, this wasn’t anybody’s first choice! 😛 (besides me, of course) Even so, it was dramatic how much better everyone was by week 3 or 4. So these first vlog efforts are great! And I’d really encourage you to make more. It might even get to be fun eventually. Or at least really useful.
Many of you said something like “this is my Art 110 website”, which is true of course, and cool. But I’d really encourage you to make your website yours! The class is almost over, forget about “my Art110 website” and just say “Welcome to my website…” Websites & vlogs can be such powerful tools and I really want to encourage you to use them. To make them yours!
Watch Your Video!
I’m sure for some of you, or maybe for many of you, watching your own video can be painful! 😛 But it’s important! Do you say “um” too many times because you didn’t think enough or practice what points you want to make? Do you move around too much and look a little silly? Is your voice super-soft either because you’re shy or because of the microphone situation? There’s no reason we should be born great vloggers! But if you practice a little and watch youself, you’ll absolutely get better! Note what you’re doing that isn’t so great or is distracting from your ideas. Note what you’re doing that does work.
Practice! Watch! Practice! Watch! Repeat!
I made a vlog too this week. TEDxCSULB is coming and I put in a proposal for “Burn the University Catalog”
Art Talk OTW
- 3 Million Years of Art History
- Joseph DeLappe
- Mahsa Soroudi
- The Mind in the Cave
- documentary: Bomb It
- Classical Greece & Rome
- Renaissance & Baroque
- 19th Century
- Aesthetics & Beauty and Realism & Romanticism
- 20th Century
- documentary: The Internet’s Own Boy
- Abstraction & Representation
- Carla Dauden
- 21st Century
We’re back to our Art History timeline this week with the Art of the 21st century.
- Be sure to include your name on your comments.
- Be sure to include 1p or 2:30 on your comments.
Interactive Art History Timeline
If you want to play with the Art History Timeline that you see me using in these talks, you can get your very own copy & the Freemind software to view, modify, or make your own, here:
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?