Month: March 2015
Wk 10: Student Choice
Last week we redesigned the Architecture & Urban Planning of the CSULB Campus. This week’s activity: Student’s Choice!
Writing about Art
All of our writing in Art110 needs to be better. Most of all when we are writing about living artists. We can do better.
Wk 9: Architecture & Urban Planning
Lots of great Remix and Mashup projects last week. Now it’s on to thinking about Architecture & Urban Planning and redesigning the CSULB campus!
Wk 8: Remix Culture
After experiencing our own “Landscapes with a Corpse” last week, we’ve lived another week. This time: Remix Culture!
Wk 7: Portrait Photography
Last week we tried Yarn Bombing. This week it’s on to Portrait Photography and “Landscapes with a Corpse.” CSULB Printmaking visits Art110.