All points through Week 6 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 320. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:
288 points = “A” pace – 88 peeps
256 points = “B” pace – 15 peeps
224 points = “C” pace – 10 peeps
192 points = “D” pace – 6 peep
191 & below = “F” pace – 12 peeps
If the grades were final today, then the Class Average would be a 3.23 – pretty good – but it can be better, right!?
Lots of you got full credit on everything. Some of you got more than full credit. And some got less. Ways some got less than full credit:
- Not posting activities.
- Too short, not analytic posts
- Poor post names
To remember the scoring criteria, visit Syllabus > Rubrics

- Veronica Meza – 400
- Marina Barnes – 394
- Sophia Guthrie – 384
- Amanda Bjornstad – 376
- SteevieLee Nabors – 373
- Jeremy Lai Thin Feng – 368
- Nallely Silva – 364
- Rogelio Avina – 363
- Julyssa Juarez – 362
- Zhen Su – 360

Portrait Photography
In week 2 we tried Social Photography. Some of us may have taken very nice Instagrams, but in a way, the “quality” of the photograph: the composition, the lighting, and other aesthetic and technical details, were almost beside the point. The “point” of Instagram really is the social network it expresses.
This week we’re trying photography again. But this time it’s not “Social Photography,” but more traditional “Portrait Photography.”
with a twist… we’re imaging our own death! For 20 years now, photographer Izima Kaoru has been working on his Landscapes with a Corpse, series. This week we’ll take his long term project as the inspiration for our portrait photography activity.
Full details on the Landscapes with a Corpse page!
Brittany Binder
If you’ll recall, a few weeks back, our Art110 Graduate Assistant, Brittany Binder came by Art110 to say hello. She mentioned that she’s got a show, Consumed, that she co-curated, up at the CSULB University Art Museum (UAM). Brittany and her curatorial partners, Sinead Finnerty-Pyne & Amy Kaeser will be leading a tour of Consumed today, Tuesday March 3rd, from Noon-1pm in the gallery at the UAM.
I know many of you have class between Noon & 1 and won’t be able to attend, but for those who can make it, you can attend the tour, ask a few questions, and write up the Exhibition, and Brittany’s curatorial process, like one of our conversations for EC. It can be your 4th post, and you can label it Wk7 – Brittany Binder – Consumed. Take a photo with Brittany, do a nice analysis, and I’ll give you up to 30 points of EC.
The UAM tends to be photography hostile, so you might have to step outside to take your photo with Brittany. It’d be great to photograph some of the art, but the UAM probably won’t let you. Whatever you can get will be great. But be sure to get something! 😀
Last Thursday
I was very disappointed to see how many of you gave me your index card and walked away by 11:15. Art110 is not a course in turning in index cards. Art110 has been designed to minimize long lectures and rote exams with scantrons and green books. If you’re not using the time on Thursday to really have meaningful conversations and look deeply at the art and ideas in the SOA galleries, if you’re turning in a card and leaving, then you’ve taken the vast spectrum of art and crushed it down into a class in turning in index cards and getting to lunch early. I’m pretty sure that 10 years from now, your best CSULB memory will not be early lunch on Thursdays. For that matter, you could bring lunch and have it at the SOA Gallery Courtyard while you talk and think about art.
I realize you are not art majors. But I absolutely believe that you can enrich both your career and your life by considering the diverse possibilities of art and creativity here in the 21st century. I’ve tried to create a course that isn’t boring and inactive. I’ve tried to create a course that is relevant and useful. When half of you walk away in the 1st 15 minutes, you’re telling me that I have failed. Whether or not “I” have failed doesn’t really matter, but as “The Customer” spending lots of time and money on your University Education, you seem to be saying that I’m not giving you very much value.
This is not acceptable.
Today we have to end early for Brittany’s UAM talk, and we also have Emma Hankin from Printmaking coming to class to talk to us. So we may not have time to discuss this. We will if we can. If not, I’ll solicit your feedback in your blog posts. Either way, please think about what this class is and is not providing you. Is it relevant? Is it useful? Why does half the class walk away in the 1st 15 minutes? What changes should we make to be more relevant & useful? Should we have more to do on Thursdays? Should we scrap the Thursday Gallery days and go to a more traditional Lecture & Exam format?

Artist Tags
Be sure to tag your artist posts!
SOA Galleries – Wk 7 – March 1-5
Gatov West:
Photo Club
The Photography Club group show consists of photographic, video, and/or photo sculptural pieces.
Gatov East:
Metals & Jewelry, BFA Group
The Metals & Jewelry BFA Group Show features a variety of works focusing on: organic aesthetic, the marriage of diverse materials, and inspirations.
Merlino Gallery:
Juliette Angulo, Photography
Juliette Angulo’s photographs interpret and attempt to understand the complexity within sibling relationships.
Dutzi Gallery:
*Ink 14,* Printmaking
Ink 14 is a group exhibition of printmaking organized by BFA students.
- Tuesday: Emma Hankin will come by UT-108 to say a few words about Ink 14
- Thursday: Clare Samani will open the gallery at 11am and be available for conversations with us
- Thursday: Dana Bilhimer will be at CSULB SOA Printmaking, 1st Floor if FA1 for brief tours of the facility between 11:15 & 11:45 – whether or not you write about this show, please take a peek at the Print Lab, say hi to Dana, and include a photo of the lab in your post.
- Future: as you might know, School of Art courses can sometimes be hard for non-majors to enroll in. The CSULB Printmaking Program is currently in the process of making ART 270 Intro to Printmaking available to all!
Some Printmaking Links for us from Nancy Young:
What is Printmaking?
History of Printmaking
Printmaking Terms
Werby Gallery:
Brianna Allen, BFA Metals
Brianna Allen’s BFA exhibition crosses modes of display with mundane household objects.
Some of you met Brianna two weeks ago in the Gatov Gallery where she was part of a CSULB Metals Group Show. This week her BFA solo show will be in the Werby Gallery. It’s metals. But she’s also including guided meditation sessions. On Thursday, between 11am and Noon, Brianna will offer two, 11-minute sessions. If you’d like to participate you might wear something comfortable. You might take your shoes off. Before and after these sessions Brianna will be available for conversations with you.
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?