All points through Week 7 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 378. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:
340 points = “A” pace – 89 peeps
302 points = “B” pace – 12 peeps
264 points = “C” pace – 12 peeps
226 points = “D” pace – 6 peep
225 & below = “F” pace – 12 peeps
If the grades were final today, then the Class Average would be a 3.23 – pretty good – but it can be better, right!?
Lots of you got full credit on everything. Some of you got more than full credit. And some got less. Ways some got less than full credit:
- Not posting activities.
- Too short, not analytic posts
- Poor post names
To remember the scoring criteria, visit Syllabus > Rubrics

- Veronica Meza – 458
- Marina Barnes – 454
- Amanda Bjornstad – 434
- SteevieLee Nabors – 431
- Sophia Guthrie – 430
- Jeremy Lai Thin Feng – 426
- Nallely Silva – 424
- Aleks Kivuls – 424
- Rogelio Avina – 421
- Julyssa Juarez – 420
- Alexx Dunk – 420
Congrats 2 Aleks & Alexx for making it onto the leaderboard this week!
And to Veronica, Marina & Friends for appearing again!
And to the whole class for another week of great work! 😀

New Media: Remix Culture
Details in class! And on the Art 110 Remix Culture page!

Artist Tags
Be sure to tag your artist posts!

SOA Galleries – Wk 8 – March 8-12
Gatov West:
Brian Davis, BFA Ceramics
Brian Davis combines sculpture and projection to explore transitional navigation through various life stages.
Gatov East:
Nolan Reiter, BFA Printmaking
Nolan Reiter’s BFA show features a series of silkscreened posters highlighting his most recent work.
Merlino Gallery:
Kezia Fuller, BFA Fiber
Kezia Fullerton’s exhibit features a series of weavings in the gelim tapestry style to explore relationships and human perceptions.
Dutzi Gallery:
Laura Scattergood, BFA Fiber
Laura Scattergood’s fiber art displays a domestic environment and exploits the issues surrounding gun violence and mass shootings in the United States.
Werby Gallery:
Shane Aufdemberg, BFA Sculpture
Shane Auftemberg’s BFA exhibition utilizes light, fog, and photographic elements to convey the degradation of meaning through representation.

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?