Thug Life Beats by Alexx Dunk. Alexx created her own music in GarageBand and then mashedup a lot of images she found online.
BTW, many of you noted that “you can’t upload video to unless you pay extra.” That’s technically true, but there’s really no reason to do that. You’d just upload to Vimeo or YouTube and Embed your video on your page (just like Alexx did). I like Vimeo better: it’s a lot cleaner, not filled with ads, and feels more pro. But YouTube is easy, fast, and crazy popular. Either one is great.
If you paste your Vimeo or YT URL on a blank line in our post, it’ll be an embedded video when you publish. If you have any trouble with it, when you’re in the EDIT window, try clicking int he upper right, to change from Visual mode to Text mode. Then paste your video URL on a new line. Then you can go back to Visual mode.
All points through Week 8 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 436. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:
392 points = “A” pace – 88 peeps
348 points = “B” pace – 17 peeps
304 points = “C” pace – 7 peeps
260 points = “D” pace – 8 peep
259 & below = “F” pace – 11 peeps
If the grades were final today, then the Class Average would be a 3.23 – pretty good – but it can be better, right!?
Lots of you got full credit on everything. Some of you got more than full credit. And some got less. Ways some got less than full credit:
- Not posting activities.
- Too short, not analytic posts
- Poor post names
To remember the scoring criteria, visit Syllabus > Rubrics
- Veronica Meza – 516
- Marina Barnes – 514
- Amanda Bjornstad – 492
- Sophia Guthrie – 489
- Alexx Dunk – 488
- Nallely Silva – 484
- Jeremy Lai Thin Feng – 484
- Aleks Kivuls – 484
- Rogelio Avina – 481
- SteevieLee Nabors – 479
Architecture & Urban Planning
Details in class! And on the Art 110 Architecture & Urban Planning page.
Blank Space (Darlene WubMachine Remix) by Darlene Nguyen
Artist Tags
Be sure to tag your artist posts!
SOA Galleries – Wk 9 – March 15-19
Gatov West & East:
Michael Rollins, MFA, Drawing & Painting, Contemporary Practices
Michael Rollins MFA exhibition features nearly twenty oil paintings that explore subjectivity and the uncanny through the language of abstraction.
Merlino Gallery:
MFA Advancement Show
The MFA Advancement Exhibition features work from advancing MFA candidates.
Dutzi Gallery:
Mike Kent, MFA, Drawing & Painting, Figurative
Mike Kent’s MFA exhibition is comprised of figurative paintings.
Werby Gallery:
MFA Advancement Show
The MFA Advancement Exhibition features work from advancing MFA candidates.
Art110 Remix by Katie Leyba

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?