Lisa Mann's daughter Hailey @ Jesus Rafael Soto @ LACMA

Summer Art Activities @ The Beach

Lisa Mann's daughter Hailey @ Jesus Rafael Soto @ LACMA
Lisa Mann’s daughter Hailey @ Jesus Rafael Soto @ LACMA

Hi Guys!

How’s everyone’s summer going? I hope you’re enjoying Art110. From the looks of your activity pix I’m going to guess that you are. And, hey! let’s share a few of your fun activity pix!

Classmates Online?

In the past 10 years I’ve taught about 30 sections of F2F Art110 at CSULB. This summer is the 4th summer that I’m teaching a 100% online version of the class. As you guys might identify with, students love, probably always, and especially in the summer, the freedom of a class that doesn’t require you to be at any physical place, and that doesn’t require you to “attend” at a specific day or hour.

While students tend to love the flexibility of 100% online classes, they do miss the chance to get to know their classmates. I hope the 5 optional meetups we’ve had have let some of you get to know each other a bit. And that the forums on Slack have been another way for you to connect and communicate. I really love that we can all share in the dialogs on Artist OTW and Art Talk, but don’t forget that you can also IM each other if you want to have person-2-person chats.

Next week’s activity will be Cuisine, Couture or Coiffure, a chance for you to play with your food! 😀 Or with your clothes or hair. Of course you can do this activity by yourself as always, but I’d like to encourage you to partner up with someone from the class for this. It could be a fun chance to get to know a classmate better. And you could prepare food together. Or help a classmate with an outfit or their hair. Like the optional meetups, collaborating with a classmate on your CCC project is optional. But I think if you go to the effort to meetup, you’ll be rewarded with a great experience.

Lisa Bernhauser & Glenn Zucman in front of a large Roy Lichtenstein painting @ The Broad
Lisa Bernhauser & Glenn Zucman in front of a large Roy Lichtenstein painting @ The Broad. Photo by Layla Hadidi.

Your Activities!

Here’s a few pix of your summer class so far. You can click on most of the images to see the image larger. And you can read the story to go with the image by dropping by your classmates websites. Everyone’s on the Roster page!

Week 1 – Plaster Casting

Elizabeth Chen holding a plaster casting of her hand
Elizabeth Chen
Hiten Master's sunglasses on a pile of sand at Seal Beach with a Snapchat "Seal Beach" superimposed over the image
Hiten Master
Kelly Schwartz holding a plaster casting of her hand
Kelly Schwartz
Kevin Armentrout's dog Aspen examines a plaster casting of Kevin's hand
Kevin Armentrout & Aspen
Lisa Mann at the beach with a plaster casting project in the sand
Lisa Mann
Rami's shadow over sand at the beach
Rami Taryaki-Dunham
Rannah Jahedi & Glenn Zucman at the Seal Beach Pier. Rannah holds a plaster casting of her hand which Glenn points to. Sun,  sand, the Pacific Ocean, and blue sky is behind them.
Rannah Jahedi & Glenn Zucman

Week 2 – Automatic Drawing

Adam Waldrop's hand colored automatic drawing
Adam Waldrop
Carol Velazquez and a partner create an Automatic Drawing
Carol Velazquez
Automatic Drawing by Hiten Master, with additional hand coloring by Hiten
Hiten Master
Kelly Schwartz and a friend create an automatic drawing
Kelly Schwartz
Aspen admires (critiques?) Kevin Armentrout's automatic drawing
Aspen admires (critiques?) Kevin Armentrout’s automatic drawing
Krishan Bhakta automatic drawing with his sister
Krishan Bhakta automatic drawing with his sister
Lisa Mann drawing with her daughter
Lisa Mann drawing with her daughter
Lisa Bernhauser creating an automatic drawing with a friend
Lisa Bernhauser
Lisa Bernhauser creating an automatic drawing with a friend
Lisa Bernhauser
Niko Kroha and his sister admire the automatic drawing they made
Niko Kroha

Week 3 – Graffiti Writing

Adam Waldrop & Layla Hadidi painting at the Art Walls at Venice Beach, CA
Adam Waldrop & Layla Hadidi
the name "Carol" graffiti written in shaded bubble letters
Carol Velazquez
Kelly Schwartz holding a piece of cardboard with her name written on it in spray paint
Kelly Schwartz
Layla Hadidi standing on a wall and graffiti writing her name "Layla" on a large cement cone at the Art Walls at Venice Beach, CA
Layla Hadidi
Lisa Bernhauser wearing a filter mask and making a peace sign in front of a graffiti writing piece of her name "Lisa"
Lisa Bernhauser
Rannah Jahedi spray painting her name "Rannah" on a huge piece of cardboard in her back yard
Rannah Jahedi
Sally Le standing in front of her name at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls
Sally Le
Shaakira Raasikh standing behind a huge piece of cardboard with her name "Shaq" written in silver and black bubble letters
Shaakira Raasikh
Sho Nioka with his name spray painted in bubble letters
Sho Nioka

Week 4 – Sketching

Lisa Bernhauser sketching a landscape at the CSULB Japanese Garden
Lisa Bernhauser

Week 5 – Instagram

We used the hashtag #art110su16 to create a giant “group portrait” of our class on Thursday of week 5. You can see the whole collection at the hashtag. Here’s a nice one from Ariza Padua:

Instagram selfie by Ariza Padua with the caption "didn't realize I was so Chinky"
Ariza Padua

Week 6 – Landscapes with a Corpse

Carol Velasquez
Carol Velasquez
Hiten Master
Hiten Master
Kevin Alipour
Kevin Alipour
Krishan Bhakta
Krishan Bhakta
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Layla Hadidi
Lisa Bernhauser
Lisa Bernhauser (remember the Ouija Board from Lisa’s Automatic Drawing activity? Apparently it held a grudge!)
Lisa Mann
Lisa Mann
Niko Kroha
Niko Kroha
Rami Taryaki-Dunham
Rami Taryaki-Dunham
Rannah Jahedi
Rannah Jahedi
Shaakira Raasikh
Shaakira Raasikh

Week 7 – Museum Visit

Adam Waldrop @ MOLAA
Adam Waldrop @ MOLAA
Carol Velazquez @ MOCA / Geffen
Carol Velazquez @ MOCA / Geffen
Deanna Soward @ BAMPFA
Deanna Soward @ BAMPFA
Hiep Nguyen @ The Hammer
Hiep Nguyen @ The Hammer
Layla Hadidi & Lisa Bernhauser @ The Broad
Layla Hadidi & Lisa Bernhauser @ The Broad
Lisa Mann @ LACMA
Lisa Mann @ LACMA
Lisa Mann @ "Rain Room" @ LACMA
Lisa Mann @ “Rain Room” @ LACMA
Lisa Mann's daughter Hailey @ Jesus Rafael Soto @ LACMA
Lisa Mann’s daughter Hailey @ Jesus Rafael Soto @ LACMA
Niko Kroha @ The Broad
Niko Kroha @ The Broad
Sally Le @ MOLAA
Sally Le @ MOLAA


I’m sure you all have been pretty busy outside of Art110 this summer, but from all these pix I’d say you’be done and seen a lot in the 1st 7 weeks of the class. I know many of you have heavy loads this summer: finishing your degree, preparing for the GRE, raising kids, and more. I hope a few of you have an easier summer! And I hope all of you have a chance for a break now and then. If Art110 has been able to teach you some new ideas that might, however abstractly, be useful in your lives ahead, then I’m happy. If it’s also given you an excuse to go to the beach, visit a museum, and try other things, awesome!

Thanks to all for being a part of our summer adventure and for all the great work. I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the last 4 weeks of the class.

Keep Cool!

— Glenn


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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