Tag: Sketching

  • Wk 9 – Sending an “Art Care Package”

    Wk 9 – Sending an “Art Care Package”

    Nice sketches at the CSULB Japanese Garden last week! Seems like many of you found the garden & the sketching a nice relaxing experience among the rush of the semester.

  • Wk 8: Sketching in the Japanese Garden

    Wk 8: Sketching in the Japanese Garden

    This week we meet at the CSULB Japanese Garden (over by parking lots & dorms) for some relaxing afternoon sketching! 🙂

  • Summer Art Activities @ The Beach

    Summer Art Activities @ The Beach

    CSULB School of Art, Intro to the Visual Arts, Summer ’16, a sampling of student activities in the first 7 weeks.

  • Wk 14 Sketching in the Garden

    Wk 14 Sketching in the Garden

    Some beautiful Art Care Packages created & sent last week. This week we’re off to the EBM Japanese Garden for some sketching.