The words "Art 110, Summer '16" superimposed on a photo of students standing in a grassy area between building Fine Art 4 and the Art Gallery Courtyard, at California State University, Long Beach, School of Art, May 2016

Summer ’16 Roster


Page banner for CSULB, College of the Arts, School of Art, Art 110, Introduction to the Visual Arts, Summer Session 2016

Once you make your website, leave Your Name and Your URL as a comment on this page. I’ll add you to the roster. After that, you don’t have to “turn in” your 2 weekly blog posts, you just post them and I’ll go find them each week.

  1. Abraham Quilizapa
  2. Adam Waldrop
  3. Ariza Padua
  4. Carol Velazquez
  5. Deanna Soward
  6. Efren Garcia ?
  7. Elizabeth Chen
  8. Hiep Nguyen
  9. Hiten Master
  10. Jake Hildreth
  11. Kelly Schwartz
  12. Kevin Alipour
  13. Kevin Armentrout
  14. Krishan Bhakta
  15. Layla Hadidi
  16. Lisa Bernhauser
  17. Lisa Mann
  18. My Linh “Sally” Le
  19. Niko Kroha
  20. Rami Dunham
  21. Rannah Jahedi
  22. Shaakira Raasikh
  23. Sho Nioka


Have an awesome summer everyone!

The words "Art 110, Summer '16" superimposed on a photo of students standing in a grassy area between building Fine Art 4 and the Art Gallery Courtyard, at California State University, Long Beach, School of Art, May 2016


48 responses to “Summer ’16 Roster”

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Carol! You’re the 1st person on the Roster! Go Carol!! 😀

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Hiten! Are you taking anything else this summer? Or is Art110 enough? 😀

      1. hitenmaster Avatar

        I’m taking Econ 101 and IS 233 . Hopefully art 110 helps me be sane, from the workload.

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          oh wow… are those 6 week classes? Or 12?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Deanna! Any travel plans for the summer?

      1. deannasoward Avatar

        hawaii with the family!

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Nice! I did my BA degree at UH! 😀

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Shaakira! You’re on the roster! 🙂

      You’re a senior? Are you coming back in the fall? Or are you done after summer? What’s next for you Shaakira!?

  1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Thanks Ariza, Kelly, My Linh & Jake! You’re on the roster!
    I hope you have a great experience in Art110 this summer.
    LMK if you have any questions about anything or need any help with anything!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Niko! You’re on the roster. Here’s to a fun, interesting, and I hope relevant summer! LMK if you have any questions or need help with anything.

  2. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Thanks Lisa, Adam & Lisa! You’re on the roster! Here’s to an awesome summer! 😀

  3. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Great Krishan & Sho! You’re on the roster! Is it just Art110 this summer? Or are you guys taking other classes too?

    1. kbhakta12 Avatar

      I’m only taking Art 110 this summer!

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        haha, that’s enough! 😀

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Rami! You’re on the roster. Any plans for summer travel?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Nick! You’re on the roster. Hope you have a great summer! 😀

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Rannah! You’re on the roster now. I hope you enjoy the class!! Just shout if you have any questions or need help with anything!

      1. rannahdreams Avatar

        Thanks. I’m at the beach now, where can I find you exactly?

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Hi Rannah! It was great meeting you at Seal Beach today. WordPress comments are ideal for conversations, but for a quicker answer like this, slack is probably a little better. Anyway, glad everything worked out!

          1. rannahdreams Avatar

            Hi Mr. Zucman. It was great to meeting you too. Thanks for your help. I enjoyed the conversation today. Hope to see you next week.

          2. Glenn Zucman Avatar

            BTW Rannah, the artist I mentioned was Mahsa Soroudi and her website is:

            (the distance from Tehran to Los Angeles)

            Also, the 3 visitors from Kuwait that I talked about, their photo and some more info on that conversation is here:

  4. kevinarmentrout Avatar

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great Kevin, you’re on the roster! Have a great summer!

      1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

        Thanks Elizabeth! You’re on the roster! 😀

        LMK if you have any questions or need any help with anything!

        I hope you have a great summer!! 😎

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks Hiep, you’re on the roster now. Let me know if you need help with anything.

  5. abrahamquilizapa Avatar

    Abraham Quilizapa

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hello Abraham! Thanks for letting me know your URL. Unfortunately, you must have copied it wrong. There is no website at the URL you listed.

      Could you please check it again and paste your URL here again? TY! 🙂

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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