Tag: Nathan Davalos

  • Wk 16 – Finger Painting ‘n Feedback

    Wk 16 – Finger Painting ‘n Feedback

    A look at your Week 15 Finger Painting Activities, your feedback on the class, and the final points and leaderboard for Fall semester 2016 in Art110 at the CSULB School of Art.

  • Wk 15 – Shalane’s getting married! (+Finger Painting & Last Week ‘o Class)

    Wk 15 – Shalane’s getting married! (+Finger Painting & Last Week ‘o Class)

    We’re trying Finger Painting and visiting the SOA Holiday Art Sale this week! Plus samples from your Instagram activities last week and your thoughts about EDU-2036. Plus you get to meet UnCollege students Mihir Kathpalia & Allison Bouganim!

  • Wk14: Instagram & the Future of College

    Wk14: Instagram & the Future of College

    We’re meeting in the classroom, FA4-311, for the last time this week. We’ll talk about The Final, (have a potluck?) Websites, ePortfolios, and of course, Classmate Conversations!

  • Wk 13 – Vlog & Conquer! (& then Fall Break)

    Wk 13 – Vlog & Conquer! (& then Fall Break)

    We’re in the classroom, FA4-311 with visiting artist Carla Dauden helping to inspire our vlogs & eportfolios this week. Next week: vegan turkey!

  • Wk 12 – Scantrons & Twines, oh my!

    Wk 12 – Scantrons & Twines, oh my!

    Lots of cool Twine & Scantron EC projects! Classmate conversation triptychs. What is art? Abstraction & Representation.