Tag: vlog

  • Summer ’22 – Week 1

    Summer ’22 – Week 1

    Welcome to The 12 Weeks of Artful Summer – let’s get started! Let’s “meet” our classmates by making a vlog!

  • Your Vlogs!

    Your Vlogs!

    Our “hello, it’s meee” vlogs from Summer, Week 1!

  • Fall ’20 Wk 10 – Vlogging & Critique

    Fall ’20 Wk 10 – Vlogging & Critique

    This week we merge the streams of Vlogging and Critique in our Critique Vlogs of our Classmates’ Student Choice Projects from Week 9.

  • Summer ’21 – Week 1

    Summer ’21 – Week 1

    Welcome to The 12 Weeks of Arty Summer – let’s get started! Let’s “meet” our classmates by making a vlog!

  • Wk 12 – Home Alone

    Wk 12 – Home Alone

    This week: field trips to virtual worlds like Second Life & Club Penguin! Also, samples of your pandemic vlogs from last week.

  • Week 11 – Being Yourself

    Week 11 – Being Yourself

    Welcome back! How was Spring Break? This week we’re going to try to share our authentic selves with the world!

  • B8 Vlogging, lauren woods American Monument @UAM + Updates

    B8 Vlogging, lauren woods American Monument @UAM + Updates

    Points update, meeting schedule, lauren woods, Kimberly Meyer, Vivian Meier & Siobhan O’Connor. And a few pix from the Halloween party!

  • Wk 3: Secret Architectures!

    Wk 3: Secret Architectures!

    Yay 4 last week’s awesome vlogs! This week we’re on to Secret Architecture, Classical Greece & Rome, and the art of Maika Elan.

  • Wk 2: Vlogging 4 fun & profit!

    Wk 2: Vlogging 4 fun & profit!

    Nice work with Plaster Casting last week. This week we’re on to Vlogging, Cave Art & Ai Weiwei!

  • Wk 16 – Finger Painting ‘n Feedback

    Wk 16 – Finger Painting ‘n Feedback

    A look at your Week 15 Finger Painting Activities, your feedback on the class, and the final points and leaderboard for Fall semester 2016 in Art110 at the CSULB School of Art.

  • Wk14: Instagram & the Future of College

    Wk14: Instagram & the Future of College

    We’re meeting in the classroom, FA4-311, for the last time this week. We’ll talk about The Final, (have a potluck?) Websites, ePortfolios, and of course, Classmate Conversations!

  • You Lie! Summer’s not over! Is it? (Week 12)

    You Lie! Summer’s not over! Is it? (Week 12)

    This week your choice of “One More” or “ePortfolio”. Plus what you thought of this whole thing? Plus visits with Carla Dauden & Richard Miller.

  • Wk4: Drawing

    Wk4: Drawing

    Hello Everyone! Nice work with your vlogs and discussions in Week 3, and now it’s on to Middle Ages, Joseph Cornell, and Drawing our names for Week 4!

  • Wk 3: vlogging

    Wk 3: vlogging

    From Ancient Greece and Rome resonating through Western Culture for 2,000 years, to Francesca Woodman inspiring other artists, to your own “Hi, it’s me!” vlog for visitors to your website, it’s all about connections this week!

  • Tim White’s 1st year as CSU Chancellor

    Tim White’s 1st year as CSU Chancellor

    CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White is completing his first year in office and has just finished visiting all 23 campuses of our system. On the occasion of his 6th month in office he put out a vlog about his experience of the CSU, and now at the end of his…