Glenn Zucman
Art 110 – Introduction to the Visual Arts
Art 490 – Artist’s Portfolios, Websites & Careers
Using diverse media I’ve been exploring identity, and facilitating projects where participants express their own identities. From early portraits and video installations, my work has evolved to include robots, avatars, incarnation, resurrection, social practice, and social production.
“Love Beach” allowed participants at physical Venice Beach and at virtual Love Beach in the world of Second Life to create signs reflecting their feelings about love in our contemporary moment. I collaborated with Ukrainian artist Irene Prokopets on “Letters to Skynet”. In this project, we invited participants to write letters to our future AI overlords explaining why humankind was something of value and beauty and worth saving.
Resurrection projects with Isabella Medici and Edie Sedgwick have explored how their lives were cut short and whether or not different, more sustainable paths were possible for them.
Automatic Drawing, Tandem Drawing, or Partner Drawing allow two people to use pastels to create abstract works that reflect how each partner’s persona and current mental state pushes and pulls with that of the other.
The COVID-19 pandemic put several documentary projects on hold. Instead, I’ve used the time in my home studio to produce a series of reperformance of magazine covers. The resulting diptychs pair my non-model body with the fantasy images of supermodels in their pursuit of Western beauty ideals.
I hope these diverse projects say something about who we are and how we live in this world. I’ve tried to use the media of our time to explore the culture of our time.
MFA Sculpture/Intermedia, Long Beach State University, 2003
BA Social Psychology, University of Hawaii, 1983
I’m interested in the ways we explore and express our multiple identities. My work explores process-based projects in incarnation, resurrection, social practice, and social production.
Recent projects include a series of pandemic-era Magazine Cover Reperformances and the establishment of alternative educational spaces: Runaway University for international students and Medici University for avatars.
Image Captions
Diptych of Glenn Zucman reperforming Sandra Josefski’s September 1972 Playboy Magazine Cover. In the two images of the diptych, Josefski and Zucman each wear a short dress and bend over to adjust a shoe.
Jacek Golanski leading a “laughter workshop” with students from Poland, Korea & Argentina at Runaway University. The image shows a group of people in a circle and working with the speaker.
Aerial view of Medici University’s 6.5-hectare campus. The image shows 96 artists’ studios in the virtual world of Second Life.

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