Month: September 2014
Wk6: Drawing
Drawing Week It’s drawing week in Art110! Full details on the Drawing Activity Page! Points All points are now up to date on BeachBoard. We’ve had 290 points so far, and here’s the numbers you should have to be on track for an “A”, “B”, etc: A – 261 points…
Galleries at The Beach
The 5 CSULB School of Art student art galleries represent a an extraordinary resource. The Galleries offer a unique opportunity for student artists to exhibit and also for students across the CSULB campus to experience 60 different shows and talk with 60 different artists all in a single semester!
Wk5: Identity Art
A lot of fun at SoCal beaches working on our Sculpture Activities last week. This week we explore Identity Art and give living a “Counterfactual Identity” a try.
Art110 Projects
We’ve looked at Arts Funding from Lorenzo de’ Medici to the NEA 4 and beyond. And a few students have launched their own crowdfunded projects. Please consider becoming a backer!
Wk4: Sculpture Experience
Lots of fantastic Kickstarter pitch videos last week – congratulations everyone! This week it’s off to the beach for our Sculpture Experience in plaster casting.
Wk 3: Arts Funding
A lot of fun was had last week on Instagram Day. We learned about our similarities and differences. This week we’re thinking about Arts Funding and trying out Kickstarter, a new (2009) way to fund our “fun” projects.
Wk 2: Relational Aesthetics
Great job hitting the ground running everyone! Here’s a few of your nice websites from last week, some notes about being careful with the art in the galleries, and the info on this week’s Instagram Activity.