Art110 students sitting on a large stone in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard. Long Beach, California.

Wk 3: Arts Funding

Banner for Art110, Fall 2014

Last Week: Instagram Day (Relational Aesthetics)

Above: a small, sublime moment from IG day by Kari Maehara.
Below: Jack Taylor posts the IG of the day!

Good Post Names

Almost everybody is using great post names! But a few of you are using “bad” post names that make my job really hard. For maximum points, please use good post names. There are examples in the syllabus:

Points on BeachBoard

All Wk1 & Wk2 points are now live on BeachBoard. Note that this isn’t really a “percentage” class, it’s a “points” class. Your goal is to get 900+ points and earn an “A”. There’s no way for me to turn off the percentage stuff on BeachBoard, but please don’t be confused by it. In fact, don’t even look at it! (yes, just like Nigel Tufnel’s guitar, don’t even look at it!)

After Wk2 it might say you have 100 points or 10% or something like that. That’s because it’s calculating your current points out of the entire course 1,000 possible. Mostly you should just be working your way to 900+. We had 58 points for Wk1 & 58 for Wk2 or 116 possible. 90% of 116 is 104, so if you’ve got 104 or better, then you’re on “A” pace. If you’ve got under 104 you either didn’t post some things, or if you did post everything then you probably lost a few points for bad names or missing photos or overly short / simple posts. I talk about all of these elements in the syllabus:

Diana Martinez

black and white, chest length photo of Diana Martinez and Conny Ramirez
Diana Martinez with Conny Ramirez from Conny’s website

Just in case you’re wondering who’s #1 after 2 weeks, it would be that amazing Diana Martinez person with 155 / 116 for a “perfect” 134% Will Diana finish the semester #1 and wind up in the Art110 Hall of Fame? She might. But she’ll have to fend off Marlyn Castillo, Sam Gold, and a whole bunch of other peeps who are right on her tail!

Velveth Alarcon

Speaking of #1 Students, after class on Thursday, like many of you, I wandered around Week of Welcome. OMG so many great groups and activities to participate in! And who should I run into Salsa Dancing in the middle of the sidewalk but Velveth Alarcon. This time last year she was a freshman psychology major on her way to finishing #1 in Art110. Like this semester it was 900 out of 1,000 for an “A,” and Velveth finished with 1,142. Now she’s on the CSULB Salsa Team! She might come visit our class some Tuesday and see if she can recruit a few of you to join the CSULB Salsa Club.

Michelle Morte

I think everyone knows that Michelle Morte was the keeper of the ID card envelope on Thursday. Great job Michelle! Thank You! Who will hold The Envelope this week? Stay tuned!

This Week: Kickstarter (Arts Funding)

From the Medici Family of Florence to America’s National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) we’ve always grappled with ways to fund The Arts. “Popular” artists like Katy Perry or Michael Bay can make bags of money, but we also like to see less “pop” work also be a part of our culture. There’s probably no Craft Beer alive that will ever do even a tiny fraction of the sales that Bud Light does (45 million barrels & 5.3 billion dollars in 2011) yet for many people, drinking a beer that not everybody else drinks is part of what they value in the experience.

What if you don’t have a rich patron like Lorenzo de Medici or Eli Broad or Charles Saatchi? Or an NEA Grant? Or a contract with Universal Studios or Sony Music or Condé Nast publishing? One solution, since April 28, 2009, has been Kickstarter. With Kickstarter you ask for enough money to do your project, say $5,000. When people pledge to your project, Kickstarter takes their credit card number, but it doesn’t charge them anything. When your campaign ends, if you made your goal, Kickstarter charges everyone’s cards and delivers your money to you. If you don’t meet your goal, say you only got $2,500 in support, then your project goes “unfunded” and no one’s credit card is charged anything.

This can make for a little stress on the artist, but it also encourages you to be serious & realistic. Kickstarter doesn’t want to take donor money, give you half of what you need, and then have a half finished project that doesn’t deliver what it promised. Sometimes the deliverables are physical things like an ice chest, or an iPhone accessory. The “deliverables” might also by intangible, like a dance performance. Overall, about 60% Kickstarter projects fail. Of the 40% that do reach their goal and get funded, a few get many times more than they asked for.

Lucky you, we’re not doing full Kickstarter projects for real, so you can skip the stress of meeting your goal. But it’d be pretty cool if sometime before you graduate from CSULB, you did. This week we’re just making hypothetical Kickstarter pitch videos. Even though this one is “only a rehearsal,” I urge you to take it seriously. If you do a “late night infomercial” you might get a couple of laughs out of it, but it’ll pretty much be pointless. If you use this as an opportunity to be in front of a camera and express yourself to people who might be interested in your work, you’ll gain something really valuable.

Full details for this Activity are on our Kickstarter Activity Page. There’s also a few sample Kickstarter Pitch Videos there, as well as many thousands more on the Kickstarter website. I’ll just post 1 here in our Art110 Weekly post to get you rolling. Since we’re all using WordPress, you might find it interesting to hear this pitch from John O’Nolan. He was a WordPress developer for a couple of years and then decided to launch a new blogging platform, Ghost. Here’s how he pitched it:

Kickstarter Film Festival

If you recall, we have 4 Extra Credit opportunities this semester, and the Kickstarter Film Festival this Friday is Opportunity #2. The event is in Griffith Park in LA. It runs from 6-11pm and is free. If you’d like the EC, just:
1. Go to the event
2. Take some pix
3. Do an extra (4th) post this week with a couple of pix and a few paragraphs about your experience

Do a nice job and I’ll add up to +30 of EC on top of your up to 30 points of Regular Activity for this week. 30+30=60!

Group or Solo

You’re welcome to do this project solo if you like. But what a great project to do with someone else in the class! It’d probably be more fun and you might wind up with a more compelling project.

SOA Galleries on Thursday

After 2 weeks of the giant GLAMFA exhibition, this week we begin the “standard” gallery program with 4 or 5 different CSULB SOA student artists showing work in the galleries every week. You’ll see 4 different categories of exhibitions:
1. MFA Thesis Exhibitions
2. BFA Thesis Exhibitions
3. Non-Degree Exhibitions
4. Group Exhibitions, Curatorial Projects & other special Exhibitions

Wk 3 – Sep 7 – 11

  • Vav Vavrek, MFA Sculpture – WPcom Tag: vavrek
  • Jesse Lubben, Photography – WPcom Tag: lubben
  • Chelsea McIntyre, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: mcintyre
  • Patricia Rangel, Metals – WPcom Tag: rangel

Vav Vavrek’s MFA Thesis exhibition will consist of an installation utilizing an overlapping of video processes across the spectrum of display technologies to create an experience of an alternate present.

Jesse Lubben will display a series of photographic prints that play with relationships between three-dimensional sculpture and the two-dimensionality of photography.

Chelsea McIntyre presents a performance piece featuring two actors engaged in a heated discourse. Visitors are welcome to engage the situation however they please.

Patricia Rangel integrates dirt, cement, metal, and silk in a series of sculptural works that range in dimension and configuration.

Precision is key.
— Duckliife

Is it just me, or did Duckliife just quote that Jaguar commercial?

Alison Meets Anna

It seems like everyone who talks to future nurse & drawing lover Anna Joy Floresca has a great conversation. Last week it was Diana Martinez, and this week it was Alison Wendell‘s turn!

Ally snapped this cool IG with Anna. Unfortunately then this old creeper swooped in and made her take one with him too! (eww)
BTW, Ally’s really rockin that Giant Eyeball T, isn’t she!?

ScreenCap of Anna Joy Floresca's home page
Psst, check out Anna’s cool website at


screen cap of David Ngo's website featuring a big group photo and the headline "Welcome to my life"
Check out David Ngo’s website – what a great way to draw people in!


screen cap of Jose Cruz homepage
Jose Cruz


screen cap of Maeghan McBee's home page
I love the way Maeghan McBee’s website has her photo and brief bio right up front.


Art110 students sitting on a large stone in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard. Long Beach, California.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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