Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop feat Wanz

Through the end of Week 4 we’ve had a total of 260 points available. Here’s how many points you should have on BeachBored now to be on track for each grade level:
260 points = 100% = “A+” – 56 peeps
234 points = 90% = “A” – 43 peeps – 56+43 = 99
208 points = 80% = “B” – 13 peeps
182 points = 70% = “C” – 8 peeps
156 points = 60% = “D” – 3 peeps
155 points & below = “F” – 4 peeps
Based on these projected grades, the current overall class GPA is 3.57, which is up from last week’s 3.46 by 0.11
Lots of high scores and lots of EC! Awesome!
But a number of peeps are also losing points on Artist Conversations because of “simple” mistakes. Be sure to look at the Grading Rubric and check the “Coded Points” so you can see your mistake and get full credit next time. Most of you already are using the Artist Conversation Template, yay! If you’re not, it really helps you get full points!

Week 5
15-21 Feb
- Discussion: Fashion: Alexander McQueen & Gianni Versace
- Art Experience: Social Practice 1: Cuisine, Couture or Coiffure
Group 1
- Joshua Hyun
- Vanessa Betancourt
- Valentina Ramirez
- Cheryl Peng
- Kordell Tan
- Jessica Addonizio
Group 2
- Julio Garcia
- Catherine Chin
- Bez Middleton
- Regan Cameron
- Tareena Woods
- Katherine Shinno
Group 3
- Leon Phung
- Dorothyrose McMahon
- Nicole Chovit
- Maria Barreda
- Christopher Moore
- Colleen Siongco
Group 4
- Ramtin Yousefi
- Jennifer Garcia
- Meng Chu
- Peter Bay
- Alfonso Madrigal
- Charles WAtson
Group 5
- Kimberly Gutierrez
- Anthony Sanchez
- RaVen Montgomery
- Carlos Madrigal
- Jennifer Lee
- Christine Kim
Group 6
- Sean Hernandez
- Ashley Batres
- Jing Huan Ooi
- Leslie Echiveste
- Gabriela Hernandez
- Marlon Fernandes
Group 7
- Francisco Miranda
- Madison Braverman
- Florenz Francis Baltazar
- Christian Aguirre
- Aaron Dela Rosa
- Crysta Tim
Group 8
- Helen Lee
- Shannon McGuinness
- Lorena Rubalcava
- Amber Bolden
- Jazlyn Tabar
- William Luna
Group 9
- Christopher Williams
- Rejina Hernandez
- Elizabeth Moledo
- Sam Tan
- Oscar Alvarez
- Brandon Nhem
Group 10
- Enrique Vega
- Andrew Andrade
- Rebekah Johnson
- Hunter Mervosh
- Xiomara Barnes
- Leah Perez
Group 11
- Hannah Mandias
- Francesca Butler
- Cassandra Topete
- Christopher Chadwick
- Alanna Godinez
- Valerie Laslo
Group 12
- Haley Anderson
- Daniella Galindo
- Molly Poyer
- Lainie Le
- Anthony Estalilla
- Jesus Viramontes
Group 13
- Jamie Filosa
- Kyle Shishido
- Glenda Castillo
- Biance Dominguez
- John Stouras
- Kyu Jung Lee
Group 14
- Jonathan Behzadian
- Annie Ronning
- Megan Stevens
- Natalie Guevara
- Gregory Plantenga
- Margarita Reyna
Group 15
- Tiffany Van Gilder
- Jhonatan Ramos Lopez
- Adilene Leon
- David Brown
- Destiny Farihi
- Justin Marquez
Group 16
- Carlos Cucufate
- Cynthia Esquivias
- Carlos Nava
- Andrew Hana
- Ngozi Ekwedike
- Gina Householder
Group 17
- Patrick Dong
- Hilario Saucedo
- Enrique Plascencia
- Ciprian Robielos
- Mia Miller
- Nancy Tran
Group 18
- Rosa Velazquez
- Jerry Pleitz
- Elida Ramirez
- Aaron Satterfield
- Eduardo Castillo
- Daniella Garcia
Group 19
- Erick Diaz
- Shayenne Prasad
- Brianna Hastie
- Tiffany Tran
- Marylin Try
- Aaron Valenzuela
Group 20
- Alexander Lucero
- Martin Diaz
- Reuben William Dyce
- Alyssa Castro
- Symon Pallett
- Dominique Gomez
Group 21
- Devon Carus
- Daniel Bursch
- Katherine Pantoja
- Jayson Fields
- Elihah Yee
6.Tyler Kedis - Maison Chiu

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?