screencap from the Geocaching mobile app showing caches near the user

Wk 11 Fiber Art

screencap from the Geocaching mobile app showing caches near the user
Vanessa Marquez goes Geocaching!


Great work by everyone on Location Based Gaming last week! This week it’s on to Fiber Art! And you can optionally find a few of your classmates Geocaches from last week for EC.


Our Location Based Gaming / Alternate Reality Gaming / Geocaching page now has 11 active Geocaches from your Activities last week. If your cache goes live on the Geocaching website, you can still add it to our list. For EC this week I’ll give you 10 points per cache for finding up to 5 of your classmates caches.

  1. Pick a cache from the comments on our geocaching page.
  2. Find it!
  3. Log It! – on the paper logbook and on the site (just click “found it” on your phone)
  4. Take a photo of yourself with the cache.
  5. Blog it! – Post links to the caches you found and your pix. Write a little about your experience and how maps and coded information alter our perception of the spaces we exist in and pass through.
two people frowning
Andrea Casamitjana & Emily Snyder: Sadness at not finding the Geocache! 🙁

Understanding Your Points

I’ve gotten many emails asking about point deductions. This is great! I’m always happy to explain how your post was scored. And if we didn’t have 127 peeps in the class, you’d be getting more detailed feedback automatically.

However, as I reply to all of these emails, I notice that I’m often typing the same thing over and over. So I thought I’d explain here. And actually, all the info you need to understand your scores is right in the syllabus.

If you visit the Rubrics section of the syllabus:

You’ll see a list of “deductions” from a perfect score. You’ll notice that there are only 2 ways to get -15 points:

  1. Misspelled Artist’s name
  2. Missing or incorrect Artist Tag

So if you score is 15/30 then you almost certainly made 1 of these 2 mistakes. Take a look at your post to find the mistake. There are a lot of missing or incorrect tags. Note that if you use something “like” the correct tag, that isn’t good enough. In a way, these Artist Tags are our “thank you” to the artists for coming in early and opening their galleries just for us. Being able to read our feedback on their work helps them understand how their work is being perceived. So an incorrect tag makes for a pretty poor “thank you”.

For example, if a show is in the Gatov Gallery West, a tag like “Gatov Gallery West” is close, but it will not allow the artist to read your post. Only the correct tag “gatov-west” (without quotation marks) will work. You can see all of the correct tags in the syllabus under Artist Tags:

If your score is 20/30 there are a few more possibilities for what mistake you made. Again, they’re all listed right in the syllabus:

Earlier in the semester we had a lot of bad post names, but I think most of you are on the right track with those now. From the list in the syllabus, the most common issue is posts that are very short and/or not really analytic. As for what I mean by “analytic writing” the syllabus also has a section explaining the length and style of a well-written Artist Conversation:

If you take a look at those 3 sections of the syllabus: Rubrics, Tags, and Writing About Artist Conversations, I think it will explain almost of all of your questions.

If you still have questions after that, of course just send me an email.

two people standing in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Yeji Yang & Diana Nguyen

Points so Far

All points through Week 10 are now up on BeachBoard. The total points possible so far is 520. Here’s what you should have to be on pace for each grade level:

520 points = “A+” pace – 47 peeps
468 points = “A” pace – 42 peeps, or 47+42=89 A’s
416 points = “B” pace – 15 peeps
364 points = “C” pace – 7 peeps
312 points = “D” pace – 7 peep
311 & below = “F” pace – 9 peeps

This works out to an overall class GPA of 3.32 which is pretty good, and as you can see, lots of A’s! However, if you’re on the bottom end of the scale, you’re really running out of time to lift your grade. If you:

  1. Turn Everything in
  2. Turn Everything in On Time

from here on in, you should still have enough time to lift your final grade at least one letter.

two people standing in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Ryan Bravo & Alexandra Mendoza


  1. Jennifer Palacios – 618
  2. Toni Abad – 594
  3. Rosario Fino – 591
  4. Armando De La Mora – 590
  5. Emily Snyder – 584
  6. Mikel Soco – 571
  7. Vanessa Marquez Guerrero – 566
  8. Diana Nguyen – 559
  9. Serina Khoury – 556
  10. Samantha McFeely – 556
  11. Ryan Bravo – 556
  12. Jackie Tester – 556
two people standing in the CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
Kahlia Cadle & Jackie Tester

Classmate Question OTW

Question OTW: Are Tattoo’s art? Does it matter if you’re involved in designing a unique tattoo for yourself, or pick one from a book? What tattoo would you get?

SOA Galleries – November 1st-5th

Sculpture Group Exhibition – Gatov West & East

The Sculpture Group Exhibition features thematic work from the BFA Sculpture program.

Katherine Yoon, Ceramics BFA – Merlino Gallery

Katherine Yoon’s BFA Ceramics exhibition showcases a collection of small ceramic works scattered throughout the gallery space.

Nathaniel Glauninger, Sculpture BFA – Dutzi Gallery

Nathaniel Glauninger’s BFA Sculpture exhibition features process sculptures installed on the gallery floor, walls, and ceiling.

Chelsea McIntyre, Sculpture BFA – Werby Gallery

Chelsea McIntyre’s BFA Sculpture exhibition merges performance and video that is thematically centered on the exploitation of interpersonal relationships, audience-performer interaction, and semi-autobiographical narratives regarding control.

two people standing in the CSULB School of Art, Gatov Gallery
Maddie Perez & Serina Khoury


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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