5 college women, 3 in big, dark sunglasses, stand on the beach at Venice Beach, CA and take a summer selfie

Wk8: ePortfolio

Banner for Art110, Fall 2014


Yes, it’s that week I’ve been going on about since day 1. It’s time to make “our” websites really OURS! Details on the ePortfolio Activity Page!

SOA Galleries

Visit our Gallery Page for info on this week’s artists and the TAGS you should BE SURE to use with your Artist Conversation post!


We’ve got 7 weeks up on BeachBoard now and the total possible is 406. Here’s how many points you should have to be on track for each grade level:

A pace = 365 points – 105 peeps
B pace = 324 points – 15 peeps
C pace = 283 points – 7 peeps
D pace = 242 points – 7 peeps
F pace = 241 points – 9 peeps

Top 10

  1. Diana Martinez – 566
  2. Anna Joy Floresca – 560
  3. Evan Huang – 533
  4. Marlyn Castillo – 530
  5. Alison Wendell – 492
  6. Mimi Ly – 490
  7. Bowas Yang – 488
  8. Celine Phan – 481
  9. Nicole Ilagan – 470
  10. Connor Bailey – 469

animated gif of Anna Joy Floresca in a big hat waving at the damera

5 college women, 3 in big, dark sunglasses, stand on the beach at Venice Beach, CA and take a summer selfie
The Homies: Stephanie Mejia, C-Dawg, Diana Martinez, Allison Wendell & Anna Joy Floresca

Painting at Venice Beach!

Diana Martinez

VB from Diana Martinez on Vimeo.

Anna Joy Floresca

Venice Beach Week 7 from Anna Joy on Vimeo.

Bowas Yang

Kiara Kensie

Venice Beach from Kiara Kensie on Vimeo.

Conny Ramirez

Venice Art Walls from Conny Ramirez on Vimeo.

My friends and I went to Venice to legally spray paint on the infamous art walls as part of our art class assignment, it was a great experience and here's what I was able to get from it.

Blood Moon

Evan Huang shot the last “Blood Moon” (Lunar Eclipse) of 2014!

3 phases of Lunar Eclipse: 1/3 covered, 2/3 covered, and total lunar eclipse or "Blood Moon"
Lunar Eclipse, by Evan Huang

Marlyn Castillo

Photo of Marlyn Castillo standing next to her name "Marlyn" painted on a wall at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls in Venice Beach, CA
Marlyn Castillo at Venice Beach

Mimi Ly

Mimi Ly standing next to her painting of "#Art110" at the Venice Beach Art Walls
Mimi Ly

Melanie Coli

Melanie Coli painting at the Venice Beach Artwalls
Melanie Coli

Savannah Cheung

Savannah Cheung sitting on a wall at Venice Beach next to her name "Savannah" painted on the wall in white bubble letters with a black outline
Savannah Cheung

Andrew Aragon

the word "Andy" painted in yellow and red and with a black outline
Andy Aragon

Anthony Diaz

the name "Diaz" in geometric purple lettering with white and black outlining as painted by Anthony Diaz at the Venice Beach Artwalls in Venice Beach, CA
Andrew Aragon & Anthony Diaz of Plastic Castle. Photo by Diana Martinez.
Plastic Castle! Photo by Diana Martinez

Plastic Castle @ The Whiskey

We finally got a video of Plastic Castle (Andy ‘n Diaz) at the Whiskey thanks to our intrepid reporter Diana Martinez.

Other Exciting News

In other exciting news this week, Glenn got a new surfski (a fancy kayak)

photo of Fenn Mako XT surfski at the Newport Aquatic Center in Newport Beach, CA
Glenn’s new Fenn Mako XT surfski


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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