Artist Courtney Heiser stands in the Gatov Gallery at the CSULB School of Art and discusses her work with students visiting the gallery.

Fall 14 Galleries

Banner for Art110, Fall 2014

School of Art, Art Gallery Complex, Fall 2014

Artist Courtney Heiser stands in the Gatov Gallery at the CSULB School of Art and discusses her work with students visiting the gallery.
Courtney Heiser discussing her work with Art110 students.

Wk 1 & Wk 2 – Aug 25 – Sep 4

  • Greater Los Angeles Master of Fine Arts Exhibition – WPcom Tag: glamfa

The Greater Los Angeles Master of Fine Arts (GLAMFA) Exhibition is a representation of the next wave of contemporary artists. The exhibition features the works of MFA and MA students from the greater Los Angeles area and is curated by CSULB’s School of Art graduate students.

Wk 3 – Sep 7 – 11

  • Vav Vavrek, MFA Sculpture – WPcom Tag: vavrek
  • Jesse Lubben, Photography – WPcom Tag: lubben
  • Chelsea McIntyre, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: mcintyre
  • Patricia Rangel, Metals – WPcom Tag: rangel

Vav Vavrek’s MFA Thesis exhibition will consist of an installation utilizing an overlapping of video processes across the spectrum of display technologies to create an experience of an alternate present. Jesse Lubben will display a series of photographic prints that play with relationships between three-dimensional sculpture and the two-dimensionality of photography. Chelsea McIntyre presents a performance piece featuring two actors engaged in a heated discourse. Visitors are welcome to engage the situation however they please. Patricia Rangel integrates dirt, cement, metal, and silk in a series of sculptural works that range in dimension and configuration.

Wk 4 – Sep 14 – 18

  • Helena Bae and Oscar Mendoza, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: baemendoza
  • Maccabee Shelley, Ceramics – WPcom Tag: shelley
  • Jeannette Viveros, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: viveros
  • Mitchell Springer, Ceramics – WPcom Tag: springer
  • Scott Burns, Ceramics – WPcom Tag: burns

Helena Bae and Oscar Mendoza use found objects from urban contexts in their collaborative works that combine sculpture and painting. Maccabee Shelley experiments with material and formal concerns through ceramic processes. Jeannette Viveros displays a mixed-media installation exploring childhood trauma, nostalgia, and internal coping strategies. Mitchell Springer’s process-oriented ceramic sculptures are exhibited using a variety of display methodologies. Scott Burns displays whimsical ceramic sculptures that represent his internalized perceptions of the world.

Wk 5 – Sep 21 – 15

The Photography Symposium features artwork from local community college faculty and video work from School of Art BFA photography students photography program. Mike Lewis engages with unregulated space in his hometown by displaying it in photographs and found objects. The Photography Club hosts an exhibition thematically centered around connection and disconnection in relation to the internet and internet culture.

Wk 6 – Sep 28 – Oct 2

  • Angel Franco, Isaiah Ulloa, and Juan Martin, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: francoulloamartin
  • Emily Gross, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: gross
  • Rosa Vazquez, Photography – WPcom Tag: vazquez
  • Brian Davis, Ceramics – WPcom Tag: davis

Angel Franco, Isaiah Ulloa, and Juan Martin display provocative large-scale creatures stylistically informed by various mythological beasts. Emily Gross’s exhibition will feature paintings completed “en plein air” (“outdoors”) while traveling along the West Coast and through Australia during the summer of 2014. Rosa Vazquez displays a documentary-based archive of photography, text, and video representing United States deportees from recent years. Brian Davis explores formalistic qualities related to color, form, and space in an exhibition based on the different stages of his life.

Wk 7 – Oct 5 – 9

  • Nicholas Gaby, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: gaby
  • Kenita Hale, BFA Sculpture – WPcom Tag: hale
  • Colette Brown, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: brown
  • Dana Fleming, BFA Sculpture – WPcom Tag: fleming
  • Daniel Rivera and Vanessa Gamboa, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: riveragamboa

Nicholas Gaby explores value and space in relationship to collecting and organizing in a sculptural installation. Kenita Hale’s BFA exhibition features sculptural works that reference famous historical circus performers and human objectification within the context of a hand-made circus tent. Colette Brown’s olfactory sculptures measure the lifespan of particular fluids including plain yogurt, balsamic vinegar, beet juice, vegetable oil, and coffee. Dana Fleming’s BFA exhibition investigates spatial abstraction, formal alienation, and surface quality in relation to the viewer. Daniel Rivera and Vanessa Gamboa collaborate in a performance depicting relationship tensions. Their performance will take place on October 15th with documentation of this performance on display throughout the week.

Wk 8 – Oct 12 – 16

  • MFA Advancement Exhibition – WPcom Tag: csulbmfa
  • Anastasiia Palamarchuk, Photography – WPcom Tag: palamarchuk
  • Printmaking Portfolio Exchange – CSULB and La Sierra – WPcom Tag: csulbprintmaking

The MFA Advancement exhibition features varied work from advancing MFA candidates. Anastasiia Palamarchuk displays a body of work questioning the shifting meaning and value of the “selfie” phenomenon. Works consist of a perfect selfie mirror, selfie encyclopedia, selfie branding, and a collection of selfie short stories. The Printmaking Portfolio Exchange is entitled “Then and Now” and features a portfolio of prints exchanged between faculty, alumni, and current students of La Sierra University and CSULB. Kiyomi Fukui and Nora Ayala, Printmaking MFA students, organized the portfolio and exhibition.

Wk 9 – Oct 19 – 23

  • Restart, curated by Bethany King – WPcom Tag: king
  • Salon des Refusés, curated by André Stevenson – WPcom Tag: stevenson
  • Christine Hudson, BFA Ceramics – WPcom Tag: hudson
  • Heather Hassenbein, BFA Ceramics – WPcom Tag: hassenbein
  • Sculpture Program Group Exhibition – WPcom Tag: csulbsculpture

“Restart” expresses the impact of spirituality on art. Featured artists express Jesus’s influence on their lives through mixed media works. Based on the 1863 salon of the same name, “Salon des Refusés” (“Exhibition of Rejects”) is an exhibition of rejected or unfavorably criticized work from all School of Art disciplines at CSULB. Christine Hudson presents an interactive installation of numerous handmade porcelain teeth in her BFA exhibition. Heather Hassenbein’s BFA exhibition features wall-mounted works that reflect natural and abstract themes. The Sculpture Program Group Exhibition is self-organized and features artwork by the BFA Sculpture program.

Wk 10 – Oct 26 – 30

  • Alyssa Bierce and Candace Wakefield, Photography – WPcom Tag: biercewakefield
  • Jessica Bardales, Photography – WPcom Tag: bardales
  • Nathaniel Glauninger, Sculpture – WPcom Tag: glauninger
  • Brianna Allen, BFA Metals – WPcom Tag: allen
  • Marguerite Freed, Yee Li, and Sophia Dao, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: freedlidao

Using photography, video, and installation, Alyssa Bierce and Candace Wakefield explore the concept of incarceration through their individual experiences of having family members in prison. Jessica Bardales presents portraits of children that question hegemony, dominant ideologies, and experiences of gender as presented by popular culture. Nathaniel Glauninger suspends an arrangement of bent pieces of oak from the gallery ceiling and walls. Brianna Allen installs replications of unseen, yet convenient, systems such as electrical conduits, water pipes, and ventilation systems in unusual arrangements in her BFA exhibition. Marguerite Freed, Yee Li, and Sophia Dao exhibit oil paintings that represent anxiety and the internal struggle of the self within psychological and physical contexts.

Wk 11 – Nov 2 – 6

  • Romina Del Castillo, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: delcastillo
  • Justin Smith, Drawing and Painting – WPcom Tag: smith
  • Sean Findley, Printmaking – WPcom Tag: findley
  • Darlene Casco, MFA Graphic Design – WPcom Tag: casco
  • Wesley Hicks, BFA Ceramics – WPcom Tag: hicks

Romina Del Castillo explores human relationships and the human condition, specifically the experience of womanhood, in a series of large-scale charcoal portraits and figure compositions. Sean Findley explores ideas of fast food and trash in an installation of trompe l’oeil fast food wrappers. Darlene Casco’s MFA exhibition explores musical notation and semiotics. Wesley Hicks focuses on the surface quality and display of small-scale ceramic objects to reference history, academia, and the esoteric in his BFA exhibition.

Wk 12 – Nov 9 – 13

Timothy Cooper presents large-scale slip cast ceramic objects juxtaposed with multiple cast concrete objects in his BFA exhibition. Michelle Thompkins’s MFA exhibition features a progression of images that express the evolution of one girl’s perceptions of the world throughout the course of a day. Kiyomi Fukui exhibits an installation depicting the process of decomposition in the greater life cycle. Lacy McCune and Angie Samblotte display drawings informed by subtle visual events of everyday routines as well as the undeniable significance of banality. Cynthia Herrera’s MFA exhibition features a sculptural installation and archived media from a project that had engaged the community of Riverside, CA.

Wk 13 – Nov 16 – 20

  • Drawing and Painting BFA Exhibition – WPcom Tag: csulbdrawpaint
  • Nora Ayala, Printmaking – WPcom Tag: ayala
  • Brittnee Forline, BFA Metals – WPcom Tag: forline
  • Kelsey Zwarka, BFA Ceramics – WPcom Tag: zwarka

The Drawing and Painting BFA Exhibition features work from graduating Drawing and Painting BFA students. Nora Ayala depicts body image and objectification through printmaking techniques. Brittnee Forline’s BFA exhibition features metal works referencing a personal desire for a life of fantasy. Kelly Zwarka’s BFA exhibition showcases abstracted biomorphic forms that range from small to large-scale.

Wk 14 – Nov 23 – 27

  • Thanksgiving Week – No Gallery Exhibitions

Wk 15 – Nov 30 – Dec 4

  • Photography BFA Exhibition – WPcom Tag: csulbphoto
  • Hyeri Kim, BFA Metals and Jewelry – WPcom Tag: kim
  • Troy Rounseville, BFA Sculpture – WPcom Tag: rounseville

The Photography BFA Exhibition features work from graduating Photography BFA students. Hyeri Kim’s BFA exhibition features metal works inspired by nature. Troy Rounseville presents a kinetic scripture employing viewer participation in his BFA exhibition. This work combines viewer bodily movements and sound waves.

Wk 15-1/2 – Dec 7 – 11

The 47th annual Holiday Art Sale will occupy all the School of Art Galleries. The sale will feature an array of amazing handcrafted, hand-printed, and wonderfully inspiring one-of-a-kind pieces. All are available for purchase.


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