Cross Campus, capts


Jackie Sedley and I went to Cross Campus on Tuesday, 26 March ’19 with the intention of interviewing users and photographing the space and some of their users. After a brief interview with Sarah Elizabeth Fani, their "Senior Campus Manager", Fani informed us that we would not be allowed to take photographs of any kind inside their facility, but that she would be happy to provide us with corporate approved images.

Similarly, she informed us that we could not interview any of the users, but that she could put us in touch with 2 pre-approved users who would be allowed to speak to us.

Here are a few frames of Jackie’s interview with Fani, and the single (not interesting) frame I exposed of the facility before being told we couldn’t take any photographs.

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Sarah Elizabeth Fani, Senior Campus Manager for the Cross Campus coworking space about a mile from the SMC main campus describing the Cross Campus facility on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Cross Campus is an upscale coworking facility with 5 locations in Los Angeles, one in San Diego, and one in Scottdale, Arizona.

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Sarah Elizabeth Fani, Senior Campus Manager for the Cross Campus coworking space about a mile from the SMC main campus in conversation with Corsair staff writer Jackie Sedley on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Cross Campus is an upscale coworking facility with 5 locations in Los Angeles, one in San Diego, and one in Scottdale, Arizona.

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Users scattered about the Cross Campus coworking facility about a mile from the SMC main campus on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Cross Campus is an upscale coworking facility with 5 locations in Los Angeles, one in San Diego, and one in Scottdale, Arizona.

Published by Glenn Zucman

Artist & Arts Educator based in Los Angeles.