Glenn Zucman
2623 Willard Avenue
Rosemead, CA 91770
Professional Experience
- 2005 – present: Lecturer, Long Beach State University
- 2009 – present: Provost, Medici University
- 2015 – present: Provost, Runaway University
- 2008 – 2012: Lecturer, Cypress College
- 2004 – 2005: Producer, Border Patrol, American Public Media
- 2003 – 2008: Senior Producer, Strange Angels, KBeach Radio
- 1992 – present: Art Director, Glenn Zucman Design
- 1987 – 1992: Art Director, The Walt Disney Company
- 1986 – 1987: Art Director, CBS Television Network
- 1985 – 1986: Assistant Art Director, NBC Television Network
- Intermedia/Sculpture, Long Beach State University, MFA, 2003. 4.0 GPA
- Social Psychology, University of Hawaii, Hilo, BA, 1983. 4.0 GPA
- Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980.
- Motion Picture/Television, University of California, Los Angeles, 1980.

Arts Journalism
I developed Border Patrol, a New Music interview program, for American Public Media, and Strange Angels, an Arts interview broadcast for KBeach Radio. In over 100 interviews I have spoken with a wide spectrum of contemporary thinkers, ranging from former NEA Chairperson Dana Gioia, to Nobel Laureate Francis Crick, and many others.
Curatorial Projects
Using a range of new media technologies: websites, blogs, social platforms, and virtual worlds, I have organized over 100 virtual art gallery, installation, and performance projects with students and colleagues.
Robot Artworks
I have created and exhibited visual art ranging from fractal portraits, to multi-screen video installations, to robotic artworks including robotic “artists” who draw, give spiritual advice, and pursue their own search for the spiritual. These works are contemplations on our quest for the spiritual in a machine age.
Location / Sensation
In this ongoing series of explorations of Locations and the Sensations found there, I cross geographic space with numerous remote sensing tools to record both the perceptible, and for humans, imperceptible phenomenology of the space. Recording images, sound, particulate matter, temperature, wind, humidity, pressure and radio frequency spectral analysis of a series of locations, I presents the world we exist in but do not perceive, either because we have no sensitivity to given phenomena, or conversely, because as with light, we have such a wide sensitivity range, that it is difficult to perceive actual levels separate from the context of our cultural experience.

Long Beach State course materials
- Art 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts – Course Website
- Art 490: ePortfolios for Artists – Course Website
- Student Evaluations, 2012 – 2017:

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