It’s the 2nd week of 2016-2017 and the quad between the Fine Art & Liberal Art buildings was filled with Week of Welcome!
Week of Welcome!SALSA Club!You don’t have to be Victoria’s Secret to like Pink!Cambodian Student Society!LB Maker Society, with lots of 3D printed baubles! Later in the 2:30 class I asked if anybody’d like to do a 3D Printing activity and to my surprise, over half the class roared YES! Then I asked if it should be a regular activity for everyone, or an optional EC, and the class unanimously said EC.If it ever actually gets cold around here I’ll be enjoying some CBTL hot choc during my Office Hours at the Umbrella Tables… but for now…… it’s Robek’s “Raspberry Romance” FTW!Office Hours with a view! Come say “Hi!” Wednesdays 11:30-12:30FA4-311 has slightly less air curculation and daylight than the Umbrella Tables at the USU. Lucky us, starting next week it’s off to the CSULB School of Art, Art Galleries!“Classmate Conversations”Drawing our ID Cards
Samantha Gomez & Raul Silva. OMG, in the 11 years I’ve been teaching @CSULB no student I’ve lent a book to has EVER returned it! Yet somehow Samantha convinced me to lend her my “Landscapes with a Corpse.” #fingersCrossed
Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?