Summer ’22 Syllabus

Class Overview

  • Dates: May 23 – August 12, 2022
  • Format: Online, Asynchronous
  • Exams: None
  • Textbook: This website,, +The Internet
  • Structure: Each week of summer you will:
  1. Research & compare-and-contrast a pair of living artists
  2. Try a new art activity

Full Syllabus

  • Section: 1, Class No. 10341
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Due Dates: each Sunday by Midnight, PDT (California Time)
  • No late work
  • Original work: your work should be yours and it should be done this summer during the class
  • Contact/Office Hours:
  2. – secret handshake (password): soa
  3. Mondays, Noon-12:45 pm – “Lunch @the Art Gallery” – come & go anytime, bring lunch, drinks, snax, hangout, meet classmates
  4. Or LMK if you’d like to meetup any other time


The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Art and Ideas as practiced in the 21st century. Students will try a wide range of art media from traditional tools like Drawing & Paint, to contemporary media like Snapchat & Video. Short videos will introduce artists and art ideas that students will further explore through research and discussions with classmates. Written blog posts will compare and contrast contemporary artists.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe some of the styles, ideas, and issues found in contemporary art.
  • Understand and articulate some of the ways that art functions vis-a-vis human culture.
  • Build upon their direct, introductory experiences, in Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Animation, and Data Visualization in both Physical and Virtual worlds.
  • Articulate their understanding of the relationship between art and: culture, speech, creativity, and expression.
  • Describe the role of the artist in culture and society.

Points & Grades


  • 12 Art Activity blog posts x 6 points = 72 points
  • 12 Artist Essays blog posts x 6 points = 72 points
  • Zoom Meetup w Glenn = 6 points
  • Total Possible = 150 points


  • 135 points = A
  • 120 points = B
  • 105 points = C
  • 90 points = D
  • 89 & below = F

Your Blog Posts

For your 2 weekly activities:

  1. Art Activity
  2. Living Artists Research

You’ll grab a free blog and make 2 posts/week.

  • Please do not put both in 1 blog post.
  • Please do not make 1 long post for all the Art Activities or all the Artists’ Research

Your Blog

Grab a free blog from any platform you like. If you already have a blog you can use that one, or make a new one, whatever you prefer.

You only need the free version of any of these. If you try to upload a video they might ask you to pay. Whatever platform you use, don’t upload videos there. Instead, upload your videos to YouTube or Vimeo and then “embed” them on your blog page (paste the video URL on a new line).

Here are a few suggestions:


Less Recommended

You can still use these if you really want to. But if you don’t have a big preference, the ones above are better choices.

  • Medium – a nice platform, especially for writers. For some reason, they seem to block a lot of Art 110 content.
  • Tumblr – cool, but harder to use for this class. Doesn’t allow comments and requires login to view.
  • – excellent choice if you’re a bit more technical. If not, above is easier
  • Squarespace – strong portfolio platform, but unlike all the others listed, they don’t have a Free option

The Roster

When you’ve got your blog, drop by the Class Roster Page and leave a comment like,

Hi, this is Glenn Zucman and my URL is

Of course, you’ll use your name and URL, not mine. 😀

Be sure to use the URL for your Published Blog, aka the “Frontend” or public-facing URL. If you give the URL for the “Backend” where you edit your content, only you will be able to see it and I can’t give you points.


  • Photos – Art Activities – document your process
  • Photos – Artist OTW – find online pix of the Artist and of their Work

Post Naming

  • Post Names – eg: Wk 2 – Activity – Plaster Casting
  • Post Names – eg: Wk 2 – Artists – Sonia Romero & Micol Hebron

Zoom Progress Meetups

In weeks 3 & 4, and again in weeks 10 & 11, you’ll schedule a 1-to-1 Zoom meetup with me. Don’t worry! It’s not a “test” and no stress! It’s just a chance to check in and see how Art & Art 110 are working for you, your life, and your career.

You’re not limited to 2 meetups. I’m available anytime you have questions on Art, The Class, or anything else LBSU and beyond. We can chat by email, and I’m happy to hop on Zoom anytime and chat.

Other Class Details


  • The School of Art grants “incompletes” rarely and only for the most extreme conditions.

Withdrawal Deadlines


  • Accommodation – LBSU will make reasonable accommodations for any student who has a disability. It is the student’s responsibility to notify me in advance of the need for special accommodations.
  • Alternate Activities – If any activity is problematic for you, let me know and we’ll come up with an alternative activity for you.

Eliminating Anti-Blackness

Faculty at CSULB strive to create an environment that supports meaningful dialogue grounded in research, academic inquiry, and mutually respectful relations. We also strive to remain conscious of and attentive to the damage that anti-Blackness does to the lives of our students, faculty, staff, administrators, and their related communities.

Basic Needs

If you are having trouble affording enough food to eat, do not have a safe and reliable place to sleep, and/or experiencing an emergency or crisis, then the Basic Needs Program is here to help. The Basic Needs Program provides emergency services and resources for students. To learn more about the program, visit

Undocumented Students

Undocumented students are welcome in this class. If your status presents obstacles to engaging in specific activities or fulfilling specific criteria, you may request confidential accommodations. You may consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity or the Dream Success Center for examples of possible accommodations. Such arrangements will not jeopardize your student status, your financial aid, or any other part of your residence. Please advise me if and when you feel comfortable during the semester so that I may make appropriate alterations as needed.


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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