Summer ’20 Roster

Leave your Name and the URL of your Medium blog as a comment at the bottom of this page! 😀

  1. Abdulla Al Naemi – Senior, Electrical Engineering
  2. Alison Wu – Senior, International Studies, East Asia
  3. Angel Jimenez – Senior, Criminal Justice
  4. Angel Plascencia – Freshman, Health Science / Dental or Veterinary
  5. Anh Le – Senior, Molecular Cell Biology
  6. Anthony Basteiro – Senior, International Business
  7. Brandon Dennison – Sophomore, Computer Engineering
  8. Charmain Lee – Senior, Graphic Design
  9. Christian Santos – Junior, Computer Science
  10. Daisy Pacheco – Senior, Psychology
  11. Dennis Nguyen – Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
  12. Genesis Quezada – Junior, Human Development
  13. Holly Phou – Senior, Fashion Merchandising
  14. Jack De Graves – Sophomore, Business Administration, Finance
  15. Jake Watkins – Senior, English Literature
  16. Jocelyn Acevedo – Freshman, Health Community Science / Dental
  17. Jun Kim – Senior, Computer Science
  18. Karis Witke – Senior, Environmental Science & Policy
  19. Keenan Smith – Senior, Communications Studies
  20. Kristine Leung – Sophomore, Astronautical Engineering
  21. Kyle Lucena – Senior, Consumer Affairs
  22. Madison Bouldin – ?
  23. Maria Rempel – Senior, Communications Studies
  24. Maryhan Farag – Freshman, Health Care Admin / PreMed
  25. Taylor White – Sophomore, Dance
  26. Zhenming Qiao – Freshman, Industrial Design
Welcome to Zoom University ’20


74 responses to “Summer ’20 Roster”

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome, Jun! You’re the 1st person on the roster! Yay!

      I hope you have a good time this summer. Shout if you have any questions or if I can help with anything!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Alison! You’re on the roster!

      Good luck this summer! Looking forward to seeing your video and learning more about you!

  1. Kyle Lucena Avatar

    Small blog post about my breakfast, I’m so excited for this class!

  2. Kyle Lucena Avatar

    Kyle Lucena
    I’m not sure if my post had the link so here I am again, sorry!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Kyle!
      You’re on the roster, woohoo!
      Congrats on the breakfast thing. Who doesn’t like mushrooms? Mushroom & cheese omelet? Mmm! (with optional vegan bacon… and optional vegan cheese… and optional vegan eggs… or not… 😀

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Genesis!
      You’re on the roster! 😀
      How’s your Human Development major going?
      Just taking Art 110 this summer? Or packing in other classes?

      1. Genesis Quezada Avatar

        Thank you! I am also taking a Child Development class

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          2 classes should be OK… more than that could be a pretty busy summer! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Jake!
      You’re on the roster – yay! 🙂
      Where are you spending the summer?

      1. Jake Watkins Avatar

        I’m still here in Long Beach 🙁 I’m hoping to fly to England in September, though, if my flight doesn’t get canceled.

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Are you done with your degree? Will you be going to England to stay?
          Your flight will probably be OK! Good luck!

  3. Kristine Leung Avatar

    Here is the Artist post

  4. Kristine Leung Avatar
    Kristine Leung

    This is Kristine Leung here. Here is the artist article on the medium page.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Awesome Kristine!
      1st video up!
      Go Kristine!!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Charmaine!
      You’re on the roster now – woohoo!
      Are you just taking Art 110 this summer? Or piling on other classes?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Keenan!
      You’re on the roster!
      Any plans for summer? Staying inside? Taking trips?
      (maybe I’ll learn more in your “hello” video! 😀

  5. Holly Phou Avatar

    Hi, I’m Holly Phou! Here’s my first blog post which is basically just a little introduction:

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Holly!
      Are you back for classes in the fall? Or will you be done with your BA degree after this?
      Either way… Welcome to Art110, Holly!

      1. hollyphou Avatar

        I’ll be done with my degree after this Summer!

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Congratulations, Holly!
          So exciting!! 😀
          What’s next???

  6. Avatar
    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Christian!
      You’re on the roster.
      Have a great summer!
      Shout if you have questions about anything! 🙂

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Karis!
      You’re on the roster!
      I hope you enjoy the class!!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Hello, Zhenming!
      You’re on the roster – yay!
      Your bilibili is very cool!
      I know you said that you don’t really feel comfortable talking in front of the camera, but do you think you might be able to make even a short “hello” video for us? We are 28 strangers… or if you count me, then 29 strangers… in an online class and it would really help “put a face” on everyone so we can have a little bit of human interaction.

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Taylor!
      You’re on the roster! 😀

      How did it go for you last semester? Dance seems like an especially hard area to move online! Ballet lifts! Contact Improvisation! How do you do that on Zoom!? What did your dance classes do to finish Spring?

      Are you getting to practice dance this summer?

      What is planned for Dance for Fall?

      Have you made any Dance for Camera (DfC) videos? Maybe you can do a DfC project this summer???

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Dennis!
      You’re on the roster!!

      I know talking to a camera can be uncomfortable for many of us. Thanks for being such a good sport and giving it a good try. You’d be surprised how many strong YouTubers started off really shy and quiet. You don’t have to keep doing videos, but for some reason they did, and got amazingly better. Anyway, really nice effort, Dennis!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Anh!
      You’re on the roster now! Woohoo!
      Have a great summer, Anh!
      LMK if you ever have questions or need help with anything!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Jack!
      You’re on the roster! 😀
      Have a good summer – thanks for joining us!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Angel!
      You’re on the roster! 🙂

      Also, I think you set your video to private – I can’t see it.
      Could you either Make it Public… or… let us know what the password is to view it?

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Daisy!
      You’re on the roster – woohoo!
      Thanks for joining us in Summer Art 110!
      Have a good summer, Daisy!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Brandon!
      You’re on the roster! 😀
      LMK if you ever need help with anything!
      Have a good summer!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Maryhan!
      You’re on the roster – yay!
      I hope you have a good summer.
      LMK if you have any questions or if I can help with anything!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Angel!

      (I think you already gave me your URL – you don’t actually have to list individual posts here – once your URL is on this page (up top) then I’ll just drop by your website each week and give you points for the new work)

      Have a good week ahead!

  7. Jocelyn Acevedo Avatar

    Hi class of art110

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Great, Jocelyn!
      You’re on the roster!
      LMK if you need help or have any questions.
      Have a good summer, Jocelyn!

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      Thanks, Anthony!
      You’re on the roster!
      Have a great summer!!

  8. Glenn Zucman Avatar

    Thanks, Abdulla! Now that the URL for your Medium Blog/Website is on the Roster (above) you don’t have to add links here in the comments for each week. You can just post on your Medium and I will go by once a week, look at your new work, and post your points to the gradebook on BeachBoard.

    LMK if you ever have questions about anything or need help with anything!

Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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