Category: Educational Technology

  • Wanna buy a Camera?

    Wanna buy a Camera?

    Some help choosing a camera

  • Scantron is Death

    Scantron is Death

    Are we bludgeoning new students with mechanized exams instead of engaging and inspiring them with active learning projects & the possibilities of human diversity?

  • Public Knowledge 5: Making a Difference in your own backyard & Social Media

    Public Knowledge 5: Making a Difference in your own backyard & Social Media

    Final workshop session on the academic & the community and social media.

  • Public Knowledge, Session 4: Creating Visuals, Telling Your Story in a 60-90 sec video

    Public Knowledge, Session 4: Creating Visuals, Telling Your Story in a 60-90 sec video

    Session 4/5: getting started on our 60-90 second videos

  • Media Resources

    Media Resources

    Media Resources (still images & b-roll) for Public Knowledge: Media Training Workshop

  • Telling Your Story in Sound Bites

    Telling Your Story in Sound Bites

    Notes from Session 3 of Public Knowledge, Media Training Workshop: Telling Your Story in Sound Bites w Susan C. Mills, Lata Pandya, Leanne Suter, et al

  • Real Lessons from Fake Universities

    Real Lessons from Fake Universities

    My Research, Angle, Key Messages & Talking Points for “Public Knowledge: Media Training Workshop” with Susan C. Mills, et al

  • Public Knowledge Media Training Workshop: Developing Your Story: Why Your Research Matters

    Public Knowledge Media Training Workshop: Developing Your Story: Why Your Research Matters

    My notes from Saturday’s workshop with Jill Nishida, Eric Lindbom, Michael Uhlenkamp & Susan C. Mills, and CSULB colleagues Dr. Jose Rodriguez, Dr. Lilia Meltzer, et al

  • Sallie Goetsch: Is WordPress the Best Tool for This Job?

    Sallie Goetsch: Is WordPress the Best Tool for This Job?

    There’s an old saying that when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You can build almost anything with WordPress, but should you?

  • Kitty Lusby: Going Pro: How To Make Your Blog Pay Your Bills

    Kitty Lusby: Going Pro: How To Make Your Blog Pay Your Bills

    A realistic look at what it takes to run a profit-making, long-term blog.

  • Mobility & Modern Web

    Mobility & Modern Web

    Notes from my mobile-tools-in-the-classroom talk “EDU Mobile” at MMWCON, Mobility and Modern Web Conference, at UCLA.

  • Slack


    Here’s student feedback after using Slack as the course platform for our 100% online, 12-week, Introduction to the Visual Arts, Summer ’15.

  • Hybrid Teaching Incentive Program Proposal

    Hybrid Teaching Incentive Program Proposal

    I’ve submitted a proposal to create a “Hybrid” version of Art 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts. The University will be selecting 5 courses to be developed in the next couple of months and offered in Spring 2015.

  • CSULB Online Education (How I Spent My Summer Vacation)

    CSULB Online Education (How I Spent My Summer Vacation)

    After teaching Intro to the Visual Arts F2F for 8 years, this summer I taught it through CSULB Online Education. Here are 7 questions about the experience.

  • SEO Artists’ Portfolios

    SEO Artists’ Portfolios

    You graduate. The president shakes your hand. What happens next? If I Google your name 5 seconds after the president shakes your hand, will I find an impressive “resume”? Or almost nothing?

  • Community of Academic Technology Staff

    Community of Academic Technology Staff

    CATS2013: Facing the Future, the 16th annual, and my first, Academic Technology conference was yesterday at the CSULB Anatol Center. The California State University (CSU) with 23 campuses, 436,000 students, and 44,000 faculty members and staff, is the largest university system in the

  • CSULB Online Initiative

    CSULB Online Initiative

    CSULB’s College of Continuing & Professional Education has launched the Summer Session 2013 Online Course Conversion Project, and Art110 has been selected as one of the courses.