Lydia Chang's 1-page zine "ID card" featuring an illustration and text on a 4x6" index card

Lydia Chang’s ID Card Zines

Lydia Chang from 2:30 has been creating micro-zines as her Wednesday ID cards.

Zines are typically self-published, very low quantity, magazines. They’ve been big in DIY, Punk, and other subcultures. Although they’re often small, they do tend to have more than 1 page, which is why I call Lydia’s cards micro-zines. Or maybe 1-page zines! 😀

If you make it to Venice Beach to do your Graffiti Writing Activity, you can not only see great graffiti writing, Venice Boardwalk craziness, and eat all the cheap pizza and kettle corn you can stand, but across the boardwalk from where the Venice Art Walls are, is a very cool bookstore, Small World Books. There are a lot of books in that small store! But my favorite part is the rack up front that usually has lots of small zines for small prices like $2 – $5. You should definitely check them out!

some zines from Tiny Splendor Press that I bought at Small World Books
some zines from Tiny Splendor Press that I bought at Small World Books
a few of the many zines CSULB SOA student Alexis Chanes sold in the Gatov Gallery last year, along with an issue of Garnet Hertz' zine Critical Making
a few of the many zines CSULB SOA student Alexis Chanes sold in the Gatov Gallery last year, along with an issue of Garnet Hertz’ zine Critical Making

Maybe we’ll convince Lydia to launch a zine. On paper. Or on the web. Or both! Maybe we’ll create a Zine Activity to try later this semester. Hmm… we do have lots of 4×6 cards and sketchbook pages… 😀

Meanwhile, here’s Lydia’s first 3 1-page zines. I’ll add more as they appear. Of course, no pressure! 😛

drawing of a CSULB Student ID card on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, Week 2, obverse
drawing of a CSULB Student ID card on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, Week 2, reverse
Lydia Chang's 1-page zine "ID card" featuring an illustration and text on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, Week 3, obverse
Lydia Chang's 1-page zine "ID card" featuring an illustration and text on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, week 3, reverse
Lydia Chang's 1-page zine "ID card" featuring an illustration and text on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, week 4, obverse
Lydia Chang's 1-page zine "ID card" featuring an illustration and text on a 4x6" index card
Lydia Chang, week 4, reverse
drawing of a CSULB student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 5, obverse
stream of consciousness essay on the back of an index card
Lydia Chang, week 5, reverse
black and white graphite on index card drawing
Lydia Chang, week 6, obverse
essay on the back of an index card
Lydia Chang, week 6, reverse
drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 7, obverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 7, reverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 8, obverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 8, reverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 9, obverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 9, reverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 10, obverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 10, reverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 11, obverse
pencil drawing of a student ID card
Lydia Chang, week 11, reverse


6 responses to “Lydia Chang’s ID Card Zines”

  1. containerlyd Avatar

    o m g so much pressure LOL (i’ll do my best)

    1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

      IKR. Unbearable pressure. So unfair. College. Who knew!?

      1. lyds chang Avatar

        I sense the sarcasm oozing out of that statement… But fair point.

        1. Glenn Zucman Avatar

          Sarc? Moi? Impossible!

          1. lyds chang Avatar

            harhar, im actually having to think of what to draw for the id cards now. . . o no (ㅇㅗㅡ 😉

          2. Glenn Zucman Avatar

            OMG! Destroyed by fame! 😛

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