Week 10 – Back to our (new) “normal” classroom!

Hello, everyone!
How are you doing?
Good health?
Good spirits?
I hope!

Last Week, Wk 9

It seems like some peeps didn’t get the info last week, so to repeat, for last week, Week 9, I canceled the activity, “Plaster Casting” and gave everyone full credit for it. If you checked your points any time last week you would have already seen those points! 🙂

Image of a Zoom meeting/classroom session on a computer in a home living room
Welcome to our Zoom classroom!

This Week, Wk 10

Here’s the plan for tomorrow, Monday, March 23rd. We will have class in our “usual” classroom:

I’ll be in the room at 3:00 pm in case anyone has questions, wants to hang out, etc. Class, of course, is 3:30 – 4:45. We learned last week that Zoom Screen Sharing probably works OK for looking at web pages, but is a disaster for trying to watch a video. So we’ll use

for our theme video. I can’t generate a twoseven.xyz room URL until I actually open the room tomorrow afternoon. So, there’s 2 ways to get there. 

  1. Just wait till 3:15 or so when I make the room and I’ll post the URL on BeachBoard & Zoom
  2. If you’d like to connect to me on twoseven.xyz in advance, just go there and enter my email: glenn.zucman@gmail.com

We’ll watch our theme video from 3:35 – 3:40 and then head back to Zoom for our exciting Art Idea #10 discussion! 😀

Week 10 – Topic

Week 10 – What’s Due?

  1. Art Activity – can be done entirely at home! Details in class tomorrow!
  2. Artist Conversation – I’m hoping to have an artist visit us in class in Zoom on Wednesday. You can ask them questions and turn them in as your artist conversation
  3. Midterm – canceled! I’ve already given everyone full midterm points on BeachBoard!

Need Help?

If you need help of any kind, LMK! I’ll be in the zoom room before class, during class, and after class. Of course, you can email me:

Some things about online classes are easier/better than F2F. Others are not. One thing that is challenging for some is that you’re a bit more on your own with turning things in. Being in F2F class with everyone kind of helps keep you up to date. Online it can be easier to fall behind. My cousin took all online classes one semester and she bombed the whole semester! 🙁 She said she felt like she needed F2F to keep her connected. Obviously Long Beach State and every other school doesn’t have that now. So do your best to turn stuff in. 

Even though the campus is closed, everyone is still working and available: Faculty, Staff, Advisors, Counselors, etc. Reach out to me or anyone else if you need anything.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is available 24/7 – (562) 985-4001 – call them if they can help with anything large or small.

I hope you’re doing well!

See you tomorrow afternoon!

~ Glenn


Comments? Questions? What great art did you see, make, or experience today?

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